Chapter 2

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I looked over at the clock Oh my god it was 11:30 my interview was at 12:00. I am freaking out ok calm down. I threw the blankets off of myself and pulled my hair into a black beanie and a white sweater. I looked in the mirror, then sighed as I applied some thin eyeliner and some mascara. I looked at the Clock oh god ok 11:55. I signed on to google hangouts and saw that they were calling me, I sighed as  picked up and smiled brightly

"Hello." I said happily  

" Hi I assume you are Ms. (y/l/n)" a man said "It's a pleasure to meet you" said a woman you was sitting next to him

"yeah I am and truly the pleasure is all mine." I smiled 

"so we realize that you are only in high school but we talked to all of your teacher and all of them said that you deserved this internship, and we can tell that you are a creative thinker so  we have decided to give you the internship without the need of this interview we just preferred to tell you now." the woman said happily 

" Oh um wow that's great thank you so much. If I did get the job what would happen because I'm only in high school." I asked curiously 

"Well if you do win the internship then you would start when you finished your first year of college then you would come to google and we would provide you with the information that you would need to complete the job you need with full potential" The man said without a smile

"Wow I'm so happy that I got this opportunity. Thank you so much" I smiled

"you're welcome now we have to go good buy and we will see you this summer." Then they hang up 

I squealed "MOM MOM I got the internship."

"that's so great honey" she shouted from downstairs and I'm a senior so it will all work out I said to myself ok just a one more month then I can leave. 


I am so so so sorry this is so short I have been really lazy for the past like month then I got sick that past few days and I mean like gross sick I threw up in science so yeah I'm sorry and I love you and this will be the main story that will work on for the rest of this month again I am so sorry.

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