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I stared outside my window staring at the bold moon that shone with a bright light. The clouds racing their ways towards the moon in order to hide it. Even though they passed through it, it still managed to peep through them as if saying. 'Hey Amani! I still got you.' I smiled with a light giggle. What a lovely moon you are. I inhaled deeply and let the gentle breeze of the night fan me. My parents words still spinning in my head.

' I found it  funny though. We might be moving out this month.'

I sighed when I recalled Fareed's fake laugh while repeating their words. Should I even be happy about it? Right when I was about planning what I was about to do about my revenge. I turned around to the sound of my phone and I picked the call.

"Whatever, move would ya.." It was Neema buzzing around. Maybe she butt dialled me. Right when I was about to cut the call; "Well finally you picked the call." She huffed out and I overheard some commotion I arched a brow. "What do you mean-"

"Is your phone on silent?! I've been calling you. Just forget that. We're throwing a party ya know... For our class?" She said and the line was quiet. "Alright, When and where. Wait! Did you say party? When?" I hastily stood up and waited for her reply. There is no way I'm going to miss the party.

"Yeah you just asked that twice. At my house dummy! We're all organizing it here at my place. Well you see, my backyard is finally useful."

"Oh. When?"

"The last day, the final exams before our graduation ceremony. Come early! You're staying all day alright? We're having a slumber party."

"Talk about staying the night." I rolled my eyes at her even though she can't see it.

"What? We're not certain if were even gonna meet again. I mean.. You're getting married soon, I'll further my studies-"

"Say what now?!" I interrupted and she laughed out loud. Like literary laughed that she started coughing slightly. "You mean you're marrying your love??" I teased and she stilled.

"What do you mean... My love?"

"Don't act dumb. Just don't leave me hanging while sharing your invitation cards. The word spilling.. Bashir weds Neemah"I said and she gasped loudly. I chuckled " Why are you mute? Are your cheeks crimson already?" I continued and she immediately cut the call. I laughed at her and dropped the phone with a sigh. "8:46pm already. Time flies." I stood up from the window, clicked the light switch on and began studying as always. And then sleep overtook me.

The gentle song and sound of my morning alarm woke me up. I stood up and rubbed my eyeballs, lazily walking to my bathroom and made my daily routine. I came out and the adhan of my phone resonated the whole room startling me. I quickly turned it off, picked my hijab and prayed while making a long dua in the end.

I picked my school uniform and smiled staring at the mirror. "Last day of school huh!" I swirled around and continued to stare, "I sure would miss you" I chuckled and in the middle of doing so my door was barged opened and I quickly straightened myself and peeped. Fareed lazily walked inside and I glared at him. "Ahem!" I fake coughed to gain his attention but yet he ignored me.

"Hey, dummy!" I called and he turned to meet my eyes. "You're the dummy" he said with a sleepy face and roamed around in my room and stopped towards my drawer where I keep my stockings.

"What are you doing?" I quickly walked towards his side and took hold of his arm stopping him. "Obviously picking on socks"

"You didn't wash your laundry huh? Nice try but no. I won't give you mine today. Next time wash yours in time." He stared at me while licking his lips and suddenly he screamed. "WATCH OUT!" Startled I looked behind my legs and frowned. Fareed walked out of my room calmly and I frowned.

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