Under The Spotlights

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  We just rehearsed our song for the upcoming concert.... The night is young, yet full of stars, we have been here rehearsing after school until tonight,and these stars made me remember a thought, a memory that my brain won't even think of removing.

   10 years ago

Ren's Pov

   "Come on Ren, we'll do this one last time and you can take a break." my uncle stated. I was currently in training for my music career, i was on a stage the size of a basketball court, a dozen spotlights pointing at me.

   I am Ren, Chiba Ren, my mother gave me the name Ren which translates to Love, my full name means the Love of a thousand leaves. Very thoughtful naming.

I was born in a family of musicians, well my mother is a teacher, my father is a musician and so is my uncle.

As the training ended, I went out to my favorite place in our town,the park, it has a massive lake at the center, my grandpa told me that in the legends, a meteor fell and hit the village once standing on these grounds, decimating them.

  Well if I believe it or not, is none of importance.

   I headed to my favorite spot,
The clearing with a small shrine at the center, the place somehow gives me peace of mind, quite deep coming from a 7 year old but thats just my vocabulary.

  I was enjoying the moment I had when I heard shouting, this is a secluded clearing in the farthest corner of the park, almost no one comes here, so I checked.

  I went to the source of the shouts and I saw a beautiful shade of pink, a pink haired girl is here, shouting for someone's name, which I think is her elder because of the honorifics.

  Ebata-San!!  she shouted. No one was answering so I decided to confront her.

" Hello?" I stated, I think she got spooked because she fell and I think shes hurt.

  "Are you okay?" I asked her. "Of course not! You scared me so hard!" the girl replied. I felt bad because I saw one of her knees with scratches, bleeding.

"Stay there" I said as I went back to the clearing a few meters from us. I took my sweater and handkerchief and went back to her.

  "I thought you left me behind" she said with a hint of sadness.
"I won't leave a helpless girl behind, and an injured one at that." She pouted when I said that and I found it.... Cute.

  I gave her my sweater, made her wear it to repel the cold of the night, I checked her wound.
She got angry and said" You can't just touch a girl without saying anything." So I said that I'll cover her wound, she let me do it and after I covered it we conversed a little.

" So what are you doing at this part of the park, are you lost? " I asked her.

"Well I was playing hide and seek with my sisters and I went too far into the forest."

"Well you're lucky, I know the way out, wanna come?" i told her.

"Well I don't want to be left here alone so I'll go."

I took her Hand, helped her up and we went out of the forest and back to the park.

  5 minutes later.....

As we went out of the clearing, we followed the stone pathways back to the crowded part of the park.

  One of my cousins was heading to the clearing to find me and we met him on the way back. Shinji

  He is a month older than me, and acts like my big brother. He insisted on taking a picture of me and the girl. Well we can't do anything and agreed.

  After that we went to the side of the lake and a lady called out to the girl were escorting. It turned out she knows the girl because she trusted this woman. They had to go back to the place they're staying at so we said our goodbyes. Shinji gave us each a copy of our picture before we headed our separate ways.

  After we went back to Uncles place, Shinji decided to tease me about the girl, Uncle joined in and asked who the girl was,
Then it hit me...........


  Shinji realised this and laughed his heart out..

Back to the present time

  I was holding the picture right now, inspecting the details... We were facing away from each other, embarrassed. Then I realised that where we were standing was receiving a vast amount of moonlight, Just like two characters of a play, The moon was like our natural spotlight.

End of prologue

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