The Calm...

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Present time

Ren's POV

   I was welcomed by the bright rays of the sun seeping through the curtains swaying in the winds. Its rare to see peaceful days like these, without my sister and cousin arguing about the smallest of things.

  My sister is named Chiba Aoi
She may look like a lovely,caring and peaceful girl.... But scratch the peaceful part, she's annoying if you find the right timing.

  Shinji is my cousin, he is my polar opposite, he is energetic and has lots of friends, though our similarity is, we care about our family and won't let anyone severe its bonds.

    I went out of my room, headed to the shower, cleaned myself up and got ready for school. I went out to the dining room, there I saw Shinji eating alone, Mom goes to work early, Dad and uncle are at America on business.

   "Where's Aoi?" I asked."She woke up early and went to school with her friends." Shinji replied.
After that, we just ate and talked about random things like how he whales... But that's a story for another time.

  We walked to school together and met up with Aoi at our class.
She was hanging out with her friends so we just let her be, a few moments later and she walked up to our seats, the three of us are seated together along with a really early bird. So Shinji decided to do his favorite job. He slapped our seatmate, Uesugi Fuutarou really hard on the back. We were told you already know Fuutarou so I won't explain  too much, he's our childhood friend.

  Fuutarou was shook,confused, pained and angry. Aoi, being the troublesome one, is trying her best to hold her laugh and I just gave them a dissapointed sigh.

Ren: You don't have to do that everytime we see him asleep Shinji. He'll have backpains from how hard you slap.

Shinji: Alright alright I'll stop, for now.

Aoi: (still holding a laugh)

  Fuutarou is now fully awake and aware about what Shinji did. He did his usual complaints about Shinji's way of waking him up and Shinji always says he'll stop.

Timeskip brought to you by Wangsheng Funeral parlor.

Its now lunchtime and the four of us, Shinji, me, Aoi and Fuutarou are on line and ready to order, Fuutarou decided that he'll order his usual "cheap meal" which I know he will afford but as a friend, I'm worried he won't be satisfied with, he could get sick without enough nutrients so I decided that I'm treating him.

  He didn't want my treat so I had to be insistent, he gave in and we ordered our meals. We headed back to our table and found a girl wearing a different uniform, Kurobara's so I knew she was a transferee. As I was lost in thought, Fuutarou decided to be a jerk and wanted the girl to leave our seat. There are six seats so I proposed we let her stay and eat with us.

We were eating together and the girl introduced herself as Itsuki, and I was right about her being a transferee. Fuutarou finished first and decided to check his exam papers from a week ago, oh here goes his habit, and others seem to misinterpret it as him being boastful.

  He is now reading his exam papers and Itsuki noticed it. Oh no.

Itsuki: Hey, you know it's bad manners to just go do something else when eating right?

Fuutarou: One, Im finished eating and Two, I'm studying

Itsuki: "What are you so worried about,..... Oh I get it you got a low score on the exam didn't you? And now you're worried about your grade." says itsuki as she takes Fuutarou's test paper.

Fuutarou: Hey give that back!

Itsuki: It's...... Straight A's.

Fuutarou: (looks embarrassed)

Itsuki: Did you do that as some kind of flex?

Fuutarou: No, why would I?

I'm kind of entertained with what's happening and I see that my two relatives are too.

Itsuki: I'll admit that my grades are not that good,.... oh I know, what if you tutor me!. I could use some help.

Fuutarou stood from his seat and prepared to leave.

Fuutarou: I decline your offer,and you shouldn't eat too much or you'll go fat.

WHAT DID HE SAY!!! I screamed internally as I, have a sister and girls don't like of you point out that they're gaining weight.... Oh brother.

  We apologised for Fuutarou's actions to Itsuki and we parted ways, we got to the classroom and Fuutarou was there. Let me tell you that he got a lot, and I mean a lot of words with Aoi about body shaming girls.

(A/N) this was made yesterday and I thought I published it already.... Which I see that didn't happen..... Oops

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