Meet Cute

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Another school year had come and gone for you and you were ready for summer vacation once again. Three months off with no worries about school, homework, or anything. Granted you were the age of 5, but that still shouldn't matter a great deal of anything. Especially on days like today. Your mother had promised about taking you to a Pokemon camp and today was the day you were finally going there. Seeing all the cool pokemon in the Kalos region, you couldn't be more excited.

You were bouncing up and down in the car as you drove out into the woods to meet with Professor Sycamore. When you arrived there, you saw there were at least a few other kids already present with parents. While you were a bit shy, you stuck close to your mother as she walked up to the rest of the parents. As you were standing there, you basically just stayed behind your mom and out of sight of some of the other kids. It was this act that got you noticed by another mother.

Grace: Shy guy?

Mother: Only a little bit.

Grace: Don't worry. Same thing with my own.

You glanced over and saw a girl with dirty blonde hair standing beside the other mother, also out of view from most people. You just stared at her as your mother and this girl's mom talked for a little bit more. However, when she caught you staring, you darted your eyes away and looked forward. As you guys were all waiting, you heard the call of a Talonflame, which needless to say, grabbed your attention fast. Your eyes dart up in the sky as you saw a Talonflame carrying a man down to you all.

(Y/N): Mom!

Your mom looked up to where you were pointing and everyone was now seeing the Talonflame descend and drop the man down. He landed on his two feet as the Talonflame landed down beside him.

Sycamore: Ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to my lab! My name is Professor Augustine Sycamore. It is a pleasure and honor to have you all here with me today!

You couldn't care less with what the Professor was saying. You were just in awe with the pokemon as powerful and cool-looking as a Talonflame. However, you probably should have since your mother knelt down beside you and pecked you on the head.

Mother: Be good, ok? Remember the rules.

(Y/N): I will mom!

Again, more focused on the pokemon here. But you did start to pay attention when your mother began to walk away. You reached out a little but stopped. You then looked forward and up and saw Sycamore standing before you. He knelt down and placed a hand on your shoulder.

Sycamore: And what's your name?

(Y/N): Uh, (Y/N).

Sycamore: (Y/N)? Lovely lad. Why don't you partner up with Serena over there so we can get started.

You glanced over and saw it was the blonde girl from before. You nodded a little and walked over to her. You waved a little and she waved a little back. It was awkward for certain but you glanced back and saw Sycamore pairing up a few other kids. You turned back to Serena and nodded a little at her.

(Y/N): Hello.

Serena: Hi.

You both stayed silent a little as Sycamore walked back up to the front of the group and clapped his hands.

Sycamore: Alright kids! We have a big day ahead of us. So, let's get started on some work.

He gestured over to Talonflame and the pokemon flew over to him.

Sycamore: So, our first guest star is Talonflame. Fire and flying type. Here at this camp, you and your partner will be exposed to all types of pokemon and do a little activity to go along with them. So then, Talonflame evolves from Fletchinder and is the final form of Fletchling. Its max speed is over 300 mph, making it one of the fastest pokemon out there.

As Sycamore continued to explain traits about Talonflame, your interest slowly waned as you continued to rest your head on your hand once you sat down on the ground. While you were bored, Serena was sucked in, enjoying every second of the talk. Seeing how these pokemon acted was really cool to her. However, what shocked her out of it was you not really caring all that much.

She had a bit of an annoyed look on her face before she looked back over to Sycamore. The professor wrapped up his discussion and clapped his hands together and you were brought back to the world of the living Your eyes darted around as Sycamore walked past you and Serena.

Sycamore: So then, you kids enjoy the open air while I get the papers together.

You slowly turned to Serena.

(Y/N): What did he say?

Serena: He told us about Talonflame. He is getting assignments for us. Something you need to pay attention to.

(Y/N): I was.

Serena: No you weren't.

You huffed a little and ignored her. You got up and took a few steps towards Talonflame. As you were about to touch it, Serena grabbed your hand and stopped you. You looked at her and were a little annoyed to see her upset face.

Serena: Professor Sycamore said not to touch or make fun of the Talonflame.

(Y/N): I just want to pet it. And what's the worse it could do?

Serena: He said not to for a reason.

(Y/N): What are you? A teacher's pet?

Serena: I am NOT!

Talonflame turned around to you both and released a screech. Serena and yourself fell down on the ground, slowly moving back as the Talonflame called out again. The other kids had already moved back to avoid the pokemon. You both moved back some more as Talonflame slowly approached you both. Before it screeched again, the pokemon turned red and was sucked into a poke ball in Sycamore's hand. He tossed the ball up and slowly began to walk forward towards you and Serena.

Sycamore: I said to not approach Talonflame for a reason.

You hung your head a little as Sycamore sighed and knelt down before you.

Sycamore: Take this as a learning opportunity. Both of you. Yes, curiosity is a fine trait to possess. But, never let it take control and lead to irrational decision-making. And do not destroy those who are curious. But know your limits.

(Y/N): Yes sir.

Sycamore nodded and stood up and walked off. You sighed a little as you looked over to Serena. You had to admit, she was correct was it so much easier to hate her for it. And it wasn't like Serena was rubbing it in with an "I told you so" before she got the paper from Sycamore and started working. You groaned a little and began to do the work as well.

While you were supposed to be working with your partner, you would prefer to not be yelled at by Serena again for messing up and not paying attention. And did she want from you? You were a hyperactive young boy, classes weren't your thing. You just wanted to find and catch pokemon. Like a pro trainer. Still, you did the work, and soon after Sycamore called for some snacks as you walked over and turned in your papers. However, before you could move on, he stopped you with a hand on your shoulder.

You glanced up at him and he gave you a faint smile.

Sycamore: Don't let one mistake ruin your day.

(Y/N): Yes sir.

Sycamore: How about you try and find some new friends. I'm sure Serena is in the same boat as you.

You nodded a little and walked over and grabbed a small sandwich and sat down at a table. You ate in relative silence. It wasn't that you didn't want friends. Just given everything, you were terrified to even attempt to go out since you were now seen as a screw-up. But as you were sitting in silence, you heard a chair move away and it got you to lookup. Your head perked up and you saw Serena on the other side of the table. You were surprised for certain as she got onto the chair and glanced over at you.

Serena: I'm sorry. I guess I took things a little far.

(Y/N): It's alright. I was the one not paying attention.

Serena: Can we try to be friends again?

You look over to Serena and smile a bit with a nod. Ok...maybe your desire to not like someone was the strongest...and maybe this could work out in the end. 

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