Moment of Weakness

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You drove up towards Serena's house. Well, your bus stopped just down the road, and you had to walk to her manor. You stepped on up to the massive house and looked around. You could see at least two different cameras positioned around the front side of the building. She was really taking that security edge to a whole new high. You sighed and knocked on the door to the manor, only for it to open slowly on its own. Before you took a step inside, Delphox threw the door open and glared down at you. You gave her an awkward wave.

Delphox rolled her eyes and stepped to the side to let you through. You slowly stepped on through and up the steps. You were scared a little, concerned about what could be happening for her to call you and demand you get over here. You walked up to her room and knocked on the door a little. She opened it a little and looked at you.

(Y/N): Serena? What happened?

The door opened, and she pulled you into the room. You stumbled a little until she slammed the door close.

(Y/N): Serena! What the hell is going-

Serena kissed you. You had no idea why or how or what even. But she kissed you. Forcefully honestly. You didn't bother to kiss her back. You were more confused than anything else despite how much you really wanted to. You pushed back on her a little, and she finally broke the kiss.

(Y/N): Serena! The hell are you doing?!

Serena: You want to help me?! Make me happy!

Serena went in for another kiss. You pushed back against her once more.

(Y/N): No! Get off!

Serena: You wanted to make me feel better! So get to work and make me feel better!

(Y/N): Not like this!

You pushed her back and stepped away. You walked over to the window and pinched the bridge of your nose. You then turned back to her.

(Y/N): What is wrong with you?! You think that was ok? That any of that was ok?!

Serena shunned herself a little, pulling back into seclusion in one of her chairs. You kept looking at her, clearly upset and ashamed of what has happened. Serena began to cry a little. Anger swelled up inside you. You wanted to scream and shout at her like she had you. But you just couldn't. You took a deep breath and walked over to her, placing your hand on her shoulder.

(Y/N): Now then, let's slow it down. What the hell happened? What is going on that you do all this?

Serena: I-I just...I just want to be happy...I-I don't know....

Serena's tears continue to drip down her face. You sighed and knelt down in front of her again, trying to get locked on her eyes. Finally, they slowly opened and looked at you.

(Y/N): Now then, let's talk this one out, alright?

Serena looked at you and nodded slowly. She had finally broken down and allowed people for the first time in a long while. She had expressed how she felt insecure about everything in her life, from her career, pushing everyone out, jealousy, and more. As you listened, it was clear she needed an out. Hell, you wouldn't be surprised if she tried to take the wrong way out.

Serena commented on Trevor, Shauna, Tierno and how she missed them, missed you. How she messed up. How she let her ego get in the way of things such as her happiness. You sighed a little more and slowly got Serena to calm down and let her tears fall out. Delphox entered a few moments later, and in that event, you and Serena had to stop her before she attacked you, thinking you had hurt Serena. Which, on a technical level, you kinda did. I mean, you could be thrown into that group too.

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