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Hello hello again, yes constant updates. This may be one of the last updates, as I am preparing the next story.

I'm currently working on choosing which origin the reader would have. Since the O!SMP is purely based off of abilities, we must pick one. I have come up with my own origin, powerful yet cute.

Alpine Dragon will be your base of origin! Please keep reading for more information <3

Alpine dragons are known for loving flight, and lightweight. Because of that, they developed great strength with carrying various things with them, such as treasure, their own kind if injured, etc.

This species of dragons has scales imbedded with large feathers, meant for speed and agility. With that in mind, they make no noise while sprinting, and while flying. This makes it easier to sneak upon prey, and enemy territory.

Meat is an essential part of this species, as they cannot digest plant based foods. Their vision is precise, giving them the ability to see in the dark.

As movement is highly important, they rely on defence as well. Since these dragons have scales rather than pelt, they carry strong resistance, and barely receive any knockback to attacks inflicted on themselves.

Alpine dragons are venomous creatures, with their bite inflicting great damage, which can be lethal if not treated.

Unfortunately, if the alpine dragon is hit with projectiles, their resistance will be ignored, and they will be slower for 3 to 5 seconds.

As a feathered creature, they rely on staying away from large bodies of water. Being wet will slow them down, as their feathers will carry the water with them.

These dragons rely on energy, so they must eat often. Their saturation is reduced.

(Sorry if the descriptions were messy! But there you go, a basic understanding on an alpine dragon. Here is the "list" of the pros and cons with more simplicity.)

Alpine Dragonborne

+ Ability to fly
+ Less knockback
+ Night Vision
+ Resistance II
+ Attacks will inflict withering onto the opponent for 5 seconds.
+ Raw meat is worth the same as cooked meat
+ No noise is made while sprinting and flying
- Carnivore; can only eat meat
- Projectiles will deal normal damage (meaning resistance does not apply) and will give them slowness for 5 seconds.
- Low Saturation
- Slower in water (including rain)

Tell me what you think of the origin!! I tried to balance it out, and even had an opinion of an English Teacher tell me the pros and cons were balanced. But I would enjoy your feedback as well!!

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