Seeing things through a different light

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I walked out of Tiff's office really confused. When I saw that douche bag Redding ready to kiss her, I lost it.

She deserves so much better than him. She doesn't see how he is on the road or hell just at a club in Detroit. Women all over him and he usually leaves with more than one and this is a daily occurrence.

I pass by Lily's desk and give her a wave.

"Congratulations on the pending engagement," she says.

"Thanks. Tiff was a huge help picking out the ring and she agreed to be my Bestwoman," I say with a big smile.

"Oh she did?" Lily asks me surprised.

"Yeah, I just asked her before she left for her meeting."

"Well I couldn't think of a better person to stand up for you Noah. She is a great woman."

"She sure is. I lucked out getting her for a best friend."

"What was all the commotion earlier? I saw Redding pass by here shortly after you went to her office," she asks me.

"Can you believe that douche bag was feeding her lines about being interested in her? If I hadn't walked in when I did, he would have kissed her," I say.

"And that would have been a bad thing because why?"

"Are you kidding me. He has the worst reputation of any guy on the team. Why would she even be interested in him?"

"Because he is hot and a man," she spits back at me.

"He's not her type though. He would only hurt her in the end."

"Wouldn't be the first guy to hurt her," I hear her say under her breath.

"What was that? Who hurt her? I didn't know she was even seeing anyone," I say trying to get some information out of Lily.

"Fuck you heard that? Forget it Noah. I am not saying anything else."

"If someone hurt her Lil, I want to know. He is a dead man if I find him," I say.

She just laughs a little and shakes her head. "Go catch your flight and have a good game," she says getting back to work.

I walk away and head down to my truck. Getting into it and turning up my music I make my way to my place to change and get my bag.

I walk in and find Anslee making some lunch in the kitchen. I smile to myself and cannot wait to slip that ring on her finger.

"Hey Babe," I say putting my keys down.

"Hey hun, did you want some lunch before you have to leave?"

"Lunch does sound good, but there is something else I would rather eat before I go," wrapping my arms around her.

She giggles a little and turns around. She leans in and kisses me slowly and I pick her up.

"Fuck I am going to miss you," kissing down to her neck.

"Me too babe."

I get into the bedroom and lay her down on the bed. I slip my shirt off over my head and then make short work of Anslee's.

"So what is it that you wanted to eat?" she asks pushing her leggings down.

I smirk and trail my finger down her body and peel off her thong.

Licking my lips as I watch her open her legs for me. I kneel down in front of her and kiss her inner thigh.

She moans a little as I make my way closer to her soaking wet core. She begs me to make her cum and I smirk.

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