My Rock

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Walking into the dressing room tonight I felt very conflicted.  On the one hand I wanted to punch Justin for kissing Tiff and making her like him, but on the other hand he was my bestfriend on the team and it was nice to see him happy.  I just wish it was from any other girl, but Tiff.

She was right when she told me that I needed to take some time to get over what happened with Anslee, but she was so wrong in saying that she would be a bed warmer for me.

Something clicked in me when every thing happened with Anslee.  I saw Tiff for the beautiful woman she always was.  After she told me how she felt and how long she had been feeling it, I just wanted to make up for all the years I was a total idiot.

My mom would always try to push me in the direction of Tiffany, but I couldn't see past the sea of readily available women and their fakeness and look where that got me.  Walking in on my girlfriend cheating on me on the morning I was going to propose.

I sit down at my locker and hang up my suit jacket and start to take off my tie.

"So are you going to tell me now why you are staying at Tiff's instead of with your girlfriend/fiancée?" Justin says when he sits beside me.

"She's not my fiancée or my anything anymore," I say looking at him.

Just as I am about to tell him what happened our goalie, Gabe shouts "What the fuck.  Yo Rollins is this true what Redding just texted me?"

I sigh and I figured this was coming.  I am surprised he hadn't texted someone sooner to be honest.

"What did he say?" I ask. Fully knowing what is coming next.

Just as he is about to read the text the locker room door opens and in walks Tiff.

"Cover what you don't want seen boys.  I need to talk to all of you now," she announces to the locker room.

A few of the guys quickly throw on their shorts and we tell her it's safe to uncover her eyes.

I can't help, but let my eyes rake over her body.  She is dressed in a tight pair of blue jeans and a long sleeve shirt, that had Red Wings written across the front and my jersey slung over her arm.

She looks my way and gives me smile and then turns her attention to Justin who gives her a wink and a smile.

She blushes a little and I clique my jaw a little.  I should be the one making her blush, I think to myself.

"I am going to need all your phones gentlemen immediately," she says standing in front of guy and going around the dressing room.

They reluctantly hand them over to her.  "Thank you boys.  Now you are probably wondering why I asked for them.  Well an ex teammate of yours just sent out a group chat that I was included in and I feel the person the text was about should have the option to share this information with you if he chooses too in his own words," she says giving me a small smile.

I nod in her direction and stand up in the middle of the room.

"Alright so you guys are going to find out when you get your phones back, but I appreciate being given the opportunity to tell you myself."

Everyone looks at me like I am going to give them the worst news possible.

"As you know I was going to propose to my girlfriend Anslee, but unfortunately that didn't happen and to make a very long story short she was has been cheating on me for the last two months with Redding.  So I am more than sure that is what the text is about, but he most likely put it in a more colourful light."

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