Chapter 5

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The return to the Avengers facility was silent, no one wanted to touch the topic of what had happened. Steve didn't know what you were, or what you had become. Wanda had not seen you, but from what Clint told her, she was perplexed. Natasha looked at Clint, trying to understand why he had a tranquilizer with him. When they arrived at the facility, Maria was waiting for the group. As they all came down, she gave a silent command for them to follow her.

They all entered the meeting room, noticing the other Avengers also in the room, and Fury looking at a panel, with some pictures of himself. Fury started to speak, when he heard everyone sitting down.

"Y/N Y/L/N, is an individual we have been looking for for many years. I had just joined Shield, when I saw the first rumor about her. Agents who had their souls sucked out as witnesses claimed." Fury paused and turned on the projector to display pictures of cadavers.

"They look like mummies." Steve spoke up, breaking the silence.

"Yes, it looks like it, but they are not. They are field agents, dead for hours since the picture was taken." Fury projected the autopsy of both agents. "There is no scientific study that explains what happened to these agents." Fury projected pictures of you in 1940, everyone was speechless. "There are no birth records in Y/N Y/L/N's name.... We believe Hydra, forged documents and disappeared the real records." Fury showed a photo that made everyone in the room hold their breath.

The photo had you, next to Wolfgang and Viper, who were smiling victoriously at the photo . You were chained, with chains around your neck, arms and legs.. The photo appeared to be 1940/50 because it was black and white. Something caught everyone's attention there, a black shadow above you.

"She is from a secret project of Wolfgang and Viper, we never had access to what could be causing her transformation, but we know it is Sutekh possession." Fury projected an image of the representation of the Egyptian god. "Before he recruited her, she had 25% control over him, outside of that she spent some of her time without control of her own body."

"Wait a second, are you telling me that the hothead possesses the god of chaos inside her body?" Tony said with a sarcastic tone in his voice. "And that she has been under our roof this whole time?" Everyone looked at tony confused. "Sutekh was the god of destruction."

"How do you know all this? I thought reading wasn't your area." Clint looked at Tony, who rolled his eyes.

"We helped her keep control, or we thought we did." Fury said, before Tony continued. "We recruited her with the intention of being able to help get this creature out of her." Natasha remained silent throughout the meeting, she was static. She was watching everything, absorbing all the information, but her head was starting to hurt. "Clint had been watching her for the last few years we had her in custody, he knew everything because he was the one who recruited her." When Fury spoke Clint's name, Natasha turned at the same moment to him as he kept looking at Fury. "Hill, with Captain Rambeau, are investigating Wolfgang's old hideout for some important information, so we know how to neutralize Agent Y/L/N."

'Neutralize?' Natasha thought.

"Neutralize?" Wanda asked.

"Yes." Fury turned off the projector, and propped it up on the table. "When Sutekh takes control of her body, he makes havoc wherever he goes. We want to Neutralize him, so we don't have to think about plan b."

"What would that be?" Bucky asked.

"Eliminate the threat." Clint replied.

When Fury released everyone, Natasha was the first to leave, she felt nauseous, she walked quickly through the halls. Wanda tried to call her several times, but she just denied with her hand and walked to her own room. She opened her suit, to see if the nausea would pass.

Had you lied to her? How old were you? How dangerous were you? Why did Fury release all this information now?

"Nat?" Clint stood in the bedroom doorway, looking at her worriedly.

"Why didn't you tell me?" she said without turning around.

"Natasha." Clint called out to the redhead again.

"Why didn't you tell me, Barton?" she shouted and turned to him.

"Because I thought you knew Natasha, you bumped into her long before I did" Clint replied calmly.

"Barton." Natasha said warningly.

"Because I knew it would compromise you!" Clint shouted. "Because I knew your problem with her wasn't just teasing, Natasha!"

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