Wyatt and Toni

32 4 13

"Darling, don't be afraid, I have loved you for a thousand years"

"Darling, don't be afraid, I have loved you for a thousand years"

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"Hi. I'm Wyatt, I'm 24 and I live in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. I work for WWE, as a wrestler and currently on Smackdown. I started in the indies, and worked all over the world. That's actually how i met my girlfriend Toni. I was working for Progress which is in the U.K, We met backstage and immediately I fell head over heels in love with her, I asked Toni out to dinner and she said yes, After that we always were spending time with each other until I had to return to the US but now we talk online, I am so excited for her to come and finally have her in my arms again. She is from Gold Coast, Australia.

Wyatt was on his way to the local Jewelers to look for a ring. He found one online that would be perfect for her but he actually wanted to see it in person just to make sure. After a little bit of driving, he finally found a parking spot and went in.

"Hi. Can I help you?" the jewelry associate asked

Wyatt smiled then took his phone out and said "I found a ring on your website and was just wondering if it is here so I can take a look."

The associate nodded and looked through the display case. She finally found it and handed the ring to Wyatt.

He looked at the ring in utter disbelief, It was stunning and blew every expectation.

"Do you like this one?" She asked

"Yeah. This will be perfect!" Wyatt replied

"Oh, I forgot to tell you her ring size. She's a 7 !½ "

"Okay, So are you proposing or just for a sweet gift?" The lady wondered

"I'm proposing. Her name's Toni." Wyatt told the lady

"Well, She will be a lucky girl. Here you go. "

Wyatt paid, then thanked the associate while taking the bag.

When Wyatt got back to his car, he noticed that he had a missed call from Toni so he quickly got in and called her back.

"Hey babe. I'm sorry I missed your call.. I was um..training with a friend."

"Oh okay, Guess what I got in the mail today, love?" Toni exclaimed

Wyatt grinned then replied "You got your visa!!"

"Yeah! I'll be on the next flight, I love you and I'm so excited to actually see you in person! I gotta go. I love you!" Toni sweetly said

"I love you too! I can't wait until you are here!" Wyatt Grinned

"I'll see you tomorrow morning at 7. Don't be late! I know you have a tendency to turn off your alarms. " Toni Teased

"I'll try." Wyatt chuckled

Then they both said bye for the final time and hung up,

Wyatt took a deep breath and smiled. "I can't believe this is finally happening." He thought

Wyatt then drove to his apartment and then he started to relax on his sofa when he realized that he had plans.

His 3 best friends, Johnny, Adam and Kyle are coming by to have a 'pre bachelors' party before Toni comes.

So he quickly got up and headed to the kitchen, Grabbed the food he pre-made earlier today and put it in the oven. While waiting for the food, Wyatt grabbed some drinks and started to set the table.

He sighed and waited to hear a knock, then a few seconds later he opened the door.

"Hey Guys!' Wyatt greeted

"Hi! Ready to celebrate your last night of living by yourself? " Kyle asked as he walked in.


"She's coming tomorrow right?" Adam wondered

"Yup!" Wyatt replied

"Are you nervous? Hell, I would be shaking in fear. No pressure man." Johnny said

Wyatt lets out a little laugh then says "Well I ain't gonna lie. I am."

After he shut the door, got the food and sat down, Adam spoke up

"Dude so have you got the ring?" He wondered

Wyatt nodded and got the box and showed them.

"Damn! That thing is huge and shiny!" Kyle exclaimed

The boys nodded and Johnny laughed "Don't let Candice see this thing or she'll ask me for another one."

"So have you decided who's your best man yet??" Adam questioned

Wyatt sighed "Nope, not yet,'

"You guys best not be having a bouquet toss, I'm ain't ready for that shit." Kyle chuckled

"Imagine if Britt gets it." Wyatt comments

"I'd tell her to throw that back." Adam laughed

"Then she'll probably knock you out with laughing gas.'' Johnny replied

Everyone started laughing and then Wyatt turned the TV on and they watched old wrestling videos from when they were in the Indy's.

It was 11:45 when the boys left, so after he shut the door and set an alarm.

Wyatt then laid on the couch and fell asleep.

The Next Morning
(6 am)

Wyatt woke up to the sound of his alarm, He then stood up and took a deep breath while checking his phone for any messages.

"So today's the day. I have been waiting a year for this moment. I'm not even at the airport and I'm already sweating. I mean she could come through those doors and take one look and wanna hop on the next flight back to Australia. That's my worst nightmare. We will see what happens."

Wyatt then got ready, changed into a nice suit, grabbed the ring from the bag and waited until it was 6:30. He then headed to his car and went to the airport.

Once he got there, He parked and went in and sat in the waiting area and looked up at the flight board, watching Toni's flight number.

As soon as he saw on the board that they landed,Wyatt stood up and smiled.

Toni then came through the doors and ran to him.

Wyatt immediately wrapped his arms around Toni and kissed her.

"Hi. Welcome to the US babe, You are finally here!" Wyatt exclaimed

"Thank you love. I missed you so damn much." Toni replied

"I do have a question for you.." Wyatt began as he got down on one knee

Toni gasped and tears started to swell up in her eyes.

"I loved you from the first time we met, I often thought that you were way out of my league and I was soo damn lucky that you felt the same way about me.. Um So Toni, Will you make me the happiest man and Marry me?" He told her as he opened the ring box.

"YES! I will." Toni smiled

Wyatt then stood up and put the ring on her finger while kissing her again.

Toni looked at the ring in shock then said "Love.. This is gorgeous. More than I could dream."

Wyatt then puts his hand on hers and heads out of the airport.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2022 ⏰

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