5 - Oh Wait, They're All Dead

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Sam comes back inside the house, dropping off the mice by Dean, and goes to get a drink out of Bobby's water bowl.

"Hey, we're going somewhere. So don't get too comfortable." Bobby informed Sam and Dean.

"Where?" Sam and Dean coincidentally meowed at the same time.

"Well my twoleg called this girl named Olivia, and he has left countless messages to see if she was okay, we might want to go check it out."

"Okay, sure." Dean meowed, stretching from sitting down so long and reading.

"Olivia has a she-cat there, she is also a good friend of mine." Bobby added.

Bobby picked up a small satchel-type sack and headed towards the exit, Sam and Dean following. Bobby led the other two toms across a thunderpath, through a crowded town, and into what looked like where Dean and Bobby found Sam. But there were less twolegs and bigger rooms. Luckily no police twolegs were there. They snuck through the back entrance to find the she-cat and Olivia dead, both necks slit open.

"Lowry!" Bobby whined.

Sam and Dean sat from a distance while Bobby mourned his friend's death. Then Bobby's head exploded, Sam and Dean immediately died, and heaven was ruled by me.

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