(7)Five Years Later

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My body feels warm. Like it was shocked with a sudden wave of coziness. I take in a deep breath and peel my eyes open. I blink a few times trying to focus.

When the blur is faded away, I'm met with Natasha and Steve. They smile at me and Steve holds my hand.

"Good morning, Sleeping Beauty." Nat jokes.

"How's my hair?" I say before stretching my arms over my head. They both chuckle. I look around and see that I'm in a private room, on a hospital bed.

I sit up and look around. "What's the date?" I ask.

Steve hesitates. "It's October 5th, 2023." He says. My eyes widen.

"Wow." I let out. "I've been here for... almost five years now?"

They nods. "But we've been visiting you every few months." Nat says.

"Yeah... yeah, I kind of remember." I say. I rub my eyes and let out a deep breath.

"Does this mean..." I begin.

"Threat is low." Steve smiles. "We haven't seen or heard of any attempt to find you in almost six months." He adds.

I let a smile creep my face. "So... home?" I ask.

"If you're ready for it, we'd love to take you home." Steve tells me.

"Okay, then..." I nod. "Let's go home."

•                 •                 •                 •

For the next week I spend all of my time readjusting to the world. Of course, people have told me the things I'm missing but it's different from really seeing it.

Bruce isn't around anymore, I haven't seen Thor since I left, and everyone except Nat and Steve have been travelling to help people.

Natasha taught me all about the job she'd taken on. I was quickly recruited to help her with everything and I get to video/hologram call with Carol, Rhodey, Nebula, Rocket and Okoye.

When our channel isn't busy, Nat and I would get to talking. I learned all about her family- something she never talks about. But when you're together for 17 hours a day, things start to get deep.

I know about the red room, her sister Yelena, her 'parents', everything. And she knows about me. She knows about everything with Hydra, the things that I went through at school, all of it.

I feel like I have a friend who understands me.

Just because it all happened five years ago doesn't mean I don't miss everyone just as much as I did the day it happened. I still think about them everyday. Peter's smile. Wanda's laugh and the way she hugged me. Sam's stupid jokes. Visions ability to be so intelligent yet so simple. Hell, I haven't seen Tony in years and he's still alive.

I wonder what he's up to...

•                •                •                 •

(the fit<3)

(the fit<3)

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