Chapter 3

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SORRY IT TOOK ME FOREVER TO UPDATE. I had some major writers block. But I worked extra hard on this chapter so hopefully it'll make up for the wait.

IMPORTANT NOTE: I changed a few things on Chapter 1&2 so i highly recommend re-reading them or at least the ending of chpater 2. the guy that was outside was going to be Zayn like many of you mighy have thought but I changed that part and so re-read it so that this chapter will make sense to you.

Hope you like it :)

The game turns out fine. Our half time performance goes by perfectly, and our school's team wins the game. While Jennifer and I are walking out the field I notice someone with a jersey on walking towards us, so the team must be out now; I should go look for Zach and congratulate him on the win. Suddenly I realize that the person walking towards us is Jake.

"Hey" he says to Jennifer and I.

"Hiii," she answers a little to exited.

"Great job out there," I say smiling at him. I didn't really pay attention to the game but since they won they must have done good, right?

"Thanks," he tells me.

"Well, I'm gunna look for Zach now see ya around," I dismiss myself. "Text me," I say to Jennifer.

I search the crowd for Zach and spot him with the rest of the team. I walk up to them and congratulate them all on win. Zach put his arm around me and pulls me away from everyone, we start walking to the parking lot.

"Aren't you cold," he asks rubbing his hands on my arms to warm me up.

"Yeah kind of am," I say. Should have brought a sweater.

"Lets get you my jacket from the car then," he says gently.

As we walk to the car Zach tells me that there's an after party at David's.

"I don't know. I'll see if I can make it," I answer.

"Alright," he smiles as we walk back to the crowd. "Call me?" he ask.

"Okay," I say. Before he leaves we stare into each others eyes. His deep ocean blue eyes are so gorgeous.

" I love you," he says.

"Love you too," answer honestly. He pulls me for a hug and gives me a quick peck on the forehead before leaving to his friends. It's not often that we have cute loving moments like these but when we go my heart just melts. If only Jennifer could see them, she wouldn't think that he's always a jerk.

I pull out my phone and text Jennifer asking where she is.

" by the parking lot. gunna go to the after party with Jake :) I'm giving him a ride since Zach was his but he left (not surprised of course because its the kind of think Zach would do) do you want to come to the after party too?"

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