🍷vampire cookie x childish reader 🍷

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alright kinda sorry for the slow pace right now I kinda need to do this thing, you might not know what it's called. the school I have a lot more time on the weekends so ill try to update more ALSO I WAS NOT EXPECT LIKE 3 REQUEST  I JUST STARTED THIS YESTERDAY LMAO BUT IM HAVEING FUN SO LETS ROLL WIth IT 

(Y/N) Please cmon it will be fun! sparkling wines in my ear ( 😩 )

please you have never been to my bar before  !

" NO "I say to the boy whos been annoying me for the past few weeks to go to his bar  " we have ice cream and a ball pit," he says waving his finger in front of me 

" ok I'm in  where is it, "I say with a big smile on my  face 

" damn it was that easy " 

" yup" I respond to him 

" come with me ~ " shut up," I say slapping him  " hey!" Let GOO "  OK ok " 

we walk for a few minutes 

until we hit  his bar 

I run in  " boo.. "

 " what's wrong," the cookie asks "

 "alright first of all we need some music before this thing opens up hand me that speaker  " 

"Here ? " he says confused  

"let's put this right here AHHHH HOLY  SHI-" I say falling off the stool I was standing on

 " what happened! "sparkling says with a worried tone  

" THERE IS A WHOLE MANZ ON THE ROOF " I say pointing at the guy hanging upside down  

 " oh that's vampire " 

" THE F-Ck you KNow hIM " 

" yea he is regular here  "

"could you guys keep it down please, " vampire cookie  says  looking very grumpy 

" hey vampire we are  about to open up the bar- " 

"give  me the usual "

"Okie Doki coming right up  (Y/N) I hope you don't mind getting the thing set up for the bar to open"

" YES I Do mind but whatever, "I say rolling my eyes  at the end I quickly begin to set up the bar   (  i know this isn't what his bar looks like but deal with it, it's pretty )

" YES I Do mind but whatever, "I say rolling my eyes  at the end I quickly begin to set up the bar   (  i know this isn't what his bar looks like but deal with it, it's pretty )

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" why so what are you planing   "

" nothing of any sort," I say still smiling  "as I open my backpack and take out some roller skates 

" with these! "I say dangling the roller skates in front of his face 

 " (Y/N) No- 

 " (Y/N) YES, " I said shoving the roller skates on my cookie feet 

" Alright let's get this thing opened, "I say turning on the sign as I pull out my phone and put on my clearly epic playlist! Brooklyn blood pop? ok! I say blasting the song "


 " Yea I guess so- hi could I take your order," he says waving to a few people who walked in 

 " Here (Y/N) give this to vampire "Grape juice? " 

" yea, " he says making the other cookies drinks'

 ' oh ok, "I say roller-skating around trying to look for a certain cookie 

" ARGH ow ' ' i tripped over something wait ...not something a someone! 

" ow, " the red-headed cookie says'

 ' Really! you're sleeping on the floor of a bar! "I say still sitting on the ground as I try to bring myself up ( i don't know if you tried to get up on roller skates BUT it IS REALLY HARD )

I struggle to bring myself up as vampire cookie watches me struggle which causes him to chuckle lightly 

" HEY THIS ISN'T FUNNY" I say falling face-first into the floor 

 " heh" I hear from the annoying cookie who is still lying on the floor "

" SHUT UP " 

" make me, "he says rolling his eyes 

 " hey do you mind getting more juice? " 

" what ?" you dropped it get me more, " he says pointing at the mess'' '' relax a little and get me more juice'' 

'' FINE" "I say pulling myself up with the help of the table 

 "I'll be right back, "I say skating off 

" SPARKLING! one grape juice Please,  " I say slowly skating toward him 

 " Coming right up! (Y/N) it's really pacted today I might need more staff I'm already calling herb-" 

" say no more,  "I say skating off 

 " HEY JUICE AHOLIC "what, " he said getting up off the floor 

" you're on the job, "I say throwing him a rag 

 " h-hey just relax for a little bit "y'know sit down relax, " he says patting the booth he is leaning on

 " hmm relaxing couldn't hurt I guess, I am pretty sleepy " he sits down and invites me to sit with him ( again ) as our conversation it starts with me asking 

"why he comes here so often "and him responding 

 " it's a chill place "

( like an hour later idk tbh im supposed to be doing homework right now) while vampire is telling me a story I feel very sleepy and I put my head down on the table and slowly drift off to sleep but before I fully fell asleep I feel something move me off the table and onto something firm and I heard a faint heartbeat right before I doze off ( DO COOKIES HAVE HEARTBEATS I DONT THINK SO BUT IN MY WORLD THEY DO )

ALSO,  that's it lmao this may seem shorter than the last one but to be honest, the last one was like half song lyrics half story and this one surprise surprise doesn't have any song lyrics it did have a mention of Brooklyn blood pop tho 

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