The Start of his downfall...

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Well then...were do you truly wish to start our tale?

At the very beginning of it all? Expected as much...

Well, for this we must turn the clocks back by many of many when The Beast In Red was no beast, but rather a small little pup of what would become the Beast that kept Zaun safe between its daggers and fangs...

The scene is laid out...stone debris and smoke poisoning the the smoke was two girls...sisters hand in hand....but we know that let us turn our eyes down below....

Below the bridge that connected Zaun with Piltover......the waters below holding a small boy in its cold grasp....the blood seeping out of the dear boys mouth...

The last words he heard...a sweet song sung by a sweet girl who seemed similair in age....the memory of seeing her smile as he stood in the wild crowd spun through his head...

"Dear Friend across the River"...

"My hands are cold and bare"

"Dear friend across the river"

"Ill take what you can spare..."

The boys body had floated down the river, its limp unconcious soul being prepared to be dropped and splatter from the coming fall...

"I ask of you a penny"

His tiny arms had grown cold and lifeless from the murderous in take of water...

"My fortune it will be"

As the tiny mind circled around in its dream like up all reason to continue on...the burning memory of his mother...his father...even his older sister, the one he saw as invincible.....beat and tossed off the bridge by the filth of the Enforcers....he saw no reason to continue in a world alone.....yet he still wished he could have spoken to the girl with powder blue hair......

"I ask you without envy"

"We raise no mighty towers"

"Our homes are built of stone"

"So come across the river"

"And Find....."

 The boys mind felt the burning of the memory, as the words ceased in as his final wish...he filled in its gap...

".....Love in open arms"

Sadly for the boy, he was not yet ready to be prey to the lamb and a pair of arms reached out, grabbing hold of the small boy...he had yet to know the man, his body barely in any functioning order to even see, let alone think......but he would learn in time of who his savior was...a blessing and a curse in thousands of ways......

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