Chapter One~ Our daily routine

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What we could have been~
Chapter One
- Our daily routine

Your p.o.v

The awful noise of the alarm clock rang in your ear. You peered out of your right eye and looked at your alarm clock.


"Holy fuck I'm going to kill him." You said as you rolled over to see the other side of the bed empty. Levi's alarm clock blared as nobody pressed the off button.

You sighed deeply and groaned as you rolled over on Levi's side of the bed. Instead of pressing the button to turn it off, you took the plug out of the socket and grasped the alarm clock in your hand.

Levi was taking his infamous three minute shower as he was getting ready for work. The sound of running water stopped, and soon, a Levi with a towel wrapped around his wet torso appeared.

You chucked the alarm clock at his body, but due to your bad aim, it hit the wall next to him, shattering into little pieces. Levi gave you the what-the-hell look, but all you did was glare at him, and he shut right up.

"I don't even see why you have an alarm clock since you always wake up before it."You said to him as you laid back down. You had already become sick of him after two weeks of paternity leave for him.

Don't get it wrong, you loved him and all, but you loved the breaks when he went to work. Levi also had become agitated because he knew the amount of paperwork would be endless.

You and Levi had recently had a baby boy that you had dearly loved. His name was Levian Ackerman; the pride and joy of (F/n) Ackerman and Levi Ackerman.

Of course Levi was a man of few words, this baby had a set of lungs that could blow people away, and by that- he could scream to the top of his lungs.

Baby Levian Acketman AKA Jellybean; called by his godmother Hanji Zoe and Godfather Erwin Smith, had pitch dark raven hair that he had inherited from his beloved father and a set of (E/C) orbs that he had inherited by his loving mother.

You tried to catch the sleep that was left since your son didn't wake up until six o'clock in the morning. It didn't seem bad waking up at six o'clock, only if you had received a full night sleep, but waking up every three hours was challenging for both you and Levi- mostly you.

You had insisted on breastfeeding your son. You were never going to use bottles because you deemed it unnatural. Levi of course bitched and whined about it, but your being the mother could boss him around since you carried your spawn for nine whole months.

Little Jellybean was born on May 24, a little miracle of joy.

A ear shattering cry erupted from down the hall,making Levi turn as he adjusted his striped tie. You let out a string of cuss words as you rubbed your face, and stepped out of the comfort of your bed.

You slipped on your slippers and gave Levi a glare before stepping out of your bedroom and started shuffling your feet down the hall. Oh how you longed for those extra minutes as you inched your way to the nursery.

You opened the crack door and walked to the source of the crying. Speaking soft words, the baby quieted down as you picked him up and cradled him in your arms.

"Good morning my love, did you sleep well because mommy didn't." You said as you looked down at your baby boy. You wiped his lone tear away form his eye and kissed his forehead.

You made your way over to the rocking chair and sat down slowly, graphing into the arm rest as you made your way down. As soon as you were settled, you unclasped your special tank top that was made for breastfeeding and pulled out your breast.

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