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You close Mr Yang's office door as you sigh.

"I can't believe this," You tuck your hands in your coat's pocket as you walk down the hall to go back to the patients' building.

Check Lia and Jimin, change your clothes and pick up your cat. You glance at your watch that is hugging your wrist.

Great, you have 5 minutes before your shift ends.

"God," You bring your hands up to your face as you rub, trying to freshen yourself up. "I ran all the way to his office just to him with his wife eating each other out," You huff.

It's not all bad though, Mr Yang gives you a great piece of news.

The director of the hospital pages you to let you know about a deal he had struck with another hospital. They offer you to work at a known and famous hospital in another province in South Korea.

Asclepius is as known and famous as the hospital mentioned, you think. You had asked Mr Yang, why did he offer this deal to you and not to others.

"I've sent in 4 résumés to them, Lia's, Jaemin's, Beomgyu's and yours, along with records of patients. They've reviewed all of them and they said all of them are satisfying. This might sound biased but they wanted me to offer this to you first."

You can accept it or reject it. It's up to you.

"If you're rejecting this offer, only then will I pass this deal to the others."

Well, if you decide to stay, Mr Yang would be more than happy— To have the best doctor one could ask for but if you decide to go, it's fine too since it would establish a great relationship with the hospital. Both decisions are beneficial to him so he doesn't mind.

"Evening, Yuri," You greet your subordinate, Yuri, a young Japanese girl. She's a mental health nurse.

Yuri raises her head upon hearing your voice, she greets you back with her cheerful voice. You expect Lia to be here too but you don't see her. "Where's Lia?" You ask her.

"Oh, she's still in Jimin's room."

You frown. 'She should be back by now. It wouldn't take long to clean Jimin's room since there's not much of a thing...'

"Weird... She should be done in less than 10 minutes," You say to no one in particular but Yuri hears you as she agrees.

You turn on your heels to go to Jimin's roo—

A feminine high pitched scream echoed throughout the hallway of the patients' rooms, leaving all of the nurses and doctors present in shock. They all froze in their place thinking that it might be that one of the patients loses control or is having nightmares and manic episodes.


Yuri seems to know what you are thinking about as she voices your thoughts out loud. "But, we don't have a female patient on this floor, Dr. (Y/N)—"

"Dr. (Y/N)!"

You turn to the familiar voice. "Aerin?"

Aerin is the head nurse of this hospital. She's around her 40s.

"Aerin, where is Li—"

You are cut off by the panicked Aerin. "Lia, she is—" Her pupils are dilated with fear as she tries to regain her speech ability.

"Aerin! Calm down!" You grip her shoulders. You try to calm the panicking girl but to no avail, she is too scared to the point where breathing becomes difficult for her, her body shaking in fear. Having no other option, Aerin grabs on your wrist and leads you somewhere.

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