Chapter 1

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"Ughhhh" I groaned. "I absolutely HATE when SOME people just...I don't know, exist?!?" I said complaining to the wall. By some people I of course meant Heidi. I despise her. "Heya," said Howie coming in through the door, "Huh?" I said turning around "Oh, hey Howie." I said. "Wanna play truth or dare with us tonight?" Does US include Heidi? If so no I wondered but of course didn't feel the need to say it out loud. At least I have SOME manners. "Who do you mean when you say 'Us'?"I asked Howie. "Oh! Sofia, Simon, Terry, Heidi, and I of course!" Oh. So of course it did include Heidi. "And we'd all love for YOU to come!!!" I sat back down on the orange couch and grabbed my notebook and began writing again. "Oh come onnnn, don't be like that Aubrey!" He said coming over and sitting down next to me. I immediately closed my notebook. "Stop being like that" Howie complained to me. "And YOU stop complaining like that! How bout that Howie?" I asked him. He sighed. "Okay, fine. Don't come. We'll all miss you tough and just know you're missing out on the fun too." Howie explained. I sighed but then grinned in relief that he didn't ask me the SAME EXACT question that he, Sofia, and Simon keep on asking me. I turned open the first page of my notebook when Howie smirked. He put his hand on my shoulder smirking at me, I backed away a bit scooting over "Um- Howie?" I said he raised his eyebrows. I sighed. "Sooooo Aubrey," he began "Have you found a boyfriend yettttt?" I knew I shouldn't of gotten my hopes up so sigh. Of course he was going to ask me about a boyfriend. He had to. It's the one thing my best friends won't shut up about. It's almost like the just genuinely refuse to. "No. No I do not." I replied. "Oh come onnnn," Howie sighed "you need to get one eventually you know! You can't just life your whole entire life single." I glared at him with my brown eyes. "I know," I replied "Well?" Howie said "Do you AT LEAST have a crush?" My eyes widened at the comment. A crush? "I-Uh well..." I said as my face turned tomato red. Howie sighed yet again. "Well," He said "hopefully you find someone soon." He then left before turning his head towards me. "One last thing," he said "Will you be joining us tonight?" I looked back at him and shrugged my shoulders before opening my notebook back up, "I don't know. Maybe." I said before Howie left and I slumped down on the couch. Just minutes later the door opened yet again, this time being my best friend Sofia. "Hey Aubreyyyyyyyyy!" She said. "Sup." I replied. I put down my notebook preparing to have a conversation with her, which, I assumed wouldn't be much different then the conversation I had just had with Howie. "Do you have a boyfriend?" She then asked, smiling with her red lips. "Ugh," I replied "No. No I do not." "Oh come onnnnnn," she said "How about Shawn? Remember? From your Instagram comment section? Such a nice looking guy." Sofia explained looking at her phone studying Shawn's Instagram profile. Truth is, I already do have a crush on someone. "Omg Aubrey loooook" Sofia said showing me a picture of Shawn at a beach in California, holding onto a surfboard while the sun set in the background. "He's just so hot, and the fact a guy as nice looking as him is flirting with you and hitting on you like crazy is amazing. I'm so surprised you don't find him attractive. Unlesssss," Sofia then said smirking at me, "You SECRETLY do!!!" I sighed. "No. No I do not. Sofia, you know. You, Howie, and Simon really need to get your mind out of me getting a bf" I explained "It's going to happen one day..." I then said looking down at my hands fidgeting with them a little. "That's right! That's the sprit Aubrey! I believe in you! Also, Shawn's Tinder profile is right here." She said. I sighed as she left. There was only one person whom knows about my crush. My best friend Terry. He swore to NEVER tell anyone and he's a very trustworthy person so I know he'll keep his promise 100%. I nearly fell asleep when someone else came in. "Oh! Aubrey! You're STILL here." I opened my eyes slightly before seeing Heidi. Oh shoot. I thought. "UGH." I said my face turning red. "Y-YOU IDIOT!" I said "I HATE YOU SO MUCH!!!! LEAVE, AND LEAVE RIGHT NOW! JUST G-GET OUT OF MY LIFE." I yelled at her. I nearly killed her once. But...we just don't talk about that anymore. Heidi sighed before looking down. "I hate you. A lot. You do know that...right?" I said before looking back up at her glaring. She's the only one person I refuse to ever conceder a friend. I hate her. Very much. She looked at me with her hazel eyes and my stomach got butterflies yet again. I sighed and Heidi eventually left. We fight way too much for it to be normal. It's nonstop really.

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