Chapter 2

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I sighed before checking the time. I better just leave the judges lounge of America's Got Talent and go to Howie's house if I wanted to play stupid truth or dare with them. I arrived at his mansion and rang the doorbell. "Helloooooo, I see you did in fact decide to show up!" Howie said answering the door. I sighed angrily looking down. "Yes. Yes I did." I said glaring at the ground. "Okay! Well come on in! We got pizza and your favourite Hello Kitty soda too!" Howie explained. I do admit that I was in fact excited for the soda and good. Pizza is my favourite food too so I just couldn't help but to be excited. I walked into his house before going to the kitchen where everyone was already hanging out. "HEYYYY!" Sofia said coming up to me happily. "I'm literally so excited that you're here, it's just too bad that you don't have a boyfriend to tag along with you." I decided it was time for me to confess that I do in fact already have my eyes on someone. "Okay Sofia. I'm going to be real with you here for a second." I saw Sofia's eyes widens. "I already do have a crush on somebody." I confessed. "OH. MY. GOSH." Sofia replied. Howie and Simon must of overheard my confession because they turned around excitedly and squealed. "WHAT'S HIS NAME?!?" Sofia asked me extremely excited for my reply. "I- well..." I said "WELLLLLLL, spit it out girlllll!!!!" Sofia said happily. "YEAH!" Simon and Howie both said at the same exact time. I blushed hard. "Here, just come to my room we ALL need to start playing now anyways." Howie explained and Sofia, Simon, Terry, Heidi, and I all followed Howie Into his bedroom to start playing truth or dare. "Let me start!" Heidi said. Heidi looked over at me grinning. "So Aubrey," she said "Truth or dare?" "Uhhh...truth?" I said hoping to avoid them all giving me some stupid dare. "Ooooh, I know one!" Sofia said "Say it." Heidi said "Aubrey, who's your crush?" My stomach got immediate butterflies and my face turned as red as a tomato. "I uhhhh- how about Heidi gets this turn?!?" I said "Oh come on!" Howie said "Okay fine." I said "I choose dare then!" "I dare you to tell us who you have a crush on!" Simon said. "HAHAHAHAH!" Howie and Sofia bursted out laughing. I put my red face into my hands hoping they wouldn't all see my tomato red blush. Both of embarrassment and of love. "I dare you to at least tell me!" Heidi said, "AHHH- NO!" I said. "Why would I tell YOU?" I then said showing my mean side towards her. Terry was silent in the back as he already knew who my crush was. "Oh come onnnn," Sofia said to me whilst whipping her tear of laughter, "why can't you tell me? You know I'm your besttt friend!" I sighed yet again, "Because. You're to close with them. You'll tell them." "WHAT?!? I most likely won't even know who he is." Sofia then replied, "how would I be able to tell him if I don't know him? And come on, even if I did know who he is, how would I tell him either way? Like what do you expect me to do? Get up and go to his house? HAHA" "I'm afraid that wouldn't all be necessary." I said while still looking at Sofia. "Oh? Why wouldn't it huh? Is he this room?" Simon and Howie automatically jumped up "IS IT MEEEEEE?" They both said. "No to both of you." I simply replied. "Huh? Terry then?" Howie asked. "And Nope." I said again. "That rules out all available options!" Sofia said. "Yeah! Just Tell us who it is! I promise to not tell him!" Heidi then chimed in. "Hey Heidi, If I tell you you wouldn't HAVE to tell" "Huh? Why?" "Cause then..." I said looking down blushing, "then they'd already know..."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2021 ⏰

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