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"Who did we caught now?" Ami asked Jungkook who's now back to his usual self and only sent her a sly smile instead of answering.

Ami really wished that Jungkook didn't stopped showing the side that she's just starting to like about him. She didn't know the guy could be soft and look harmless. She really hopes to see more of that Jungkook instead of this intimidating, stoic, and unpredictable one. With a sigh... She pushed all of her thoughts about the man that did nothing but confuse her at the very back of her mind and followed Jungkook who's walking in long fast strides back to the Silver Moon tower.

"Han Jisoo. The president's right hand man." Hoseok slides a photo of the man on the table. "He took the bait and now he's waiting for us in the meeting room."

Jungkook smiled triumphantly. He knows well that Hoseok's plan would work and now they've got their second biggest evidence they could show in court and get the president admit to all of his crimes. Jungkook couldn't help but feel victorious already the moment Hoseok exchanged looks with him and everyone in the said room before walking towards the elevator with his special pen in his hand.

But before entering the elevator, he gave Seokjin an confident reminder. "Jin hyung... You know what to do."

Seokjin showed him a thumbs up. "I'll be there once the deal started."

They exchanged knowing looks and after that Hoseok disappeared inside the elevator and off he walks towards his destination. He let out a heavy puff of air, cracking his knuckles with his fingers only and then opened the door of their meeting room where his anxious visitor seats stiffly. "Alright. This time, we'll do it right." Hoseok mumbled to himself before sitting across Han Jisoo with his cocky smile.

"Shall we begin talking about the important matters?" Hoseok asked, voice sultry and confident.


"Can anyone explain to me, what's going on?" Ami asked.

She stood right behind Seokjin who's working on on of the computers with his fast and skilled fingers. The sounds of keyboard being pressed every millisecond calms her but makes her feel lost at the same time. She have no idea what is going on now. Why Jungkook and Namjoon is also fixated on the screen where they watch Hoseok and Han Jisoo talk and why everyone seemed so positive yet perturbed.

"Namjoon, you explain to her." Seokjin mumbled, eyes still glued to the computer screen and hands never leaving the keyboard keys.

Namjoon let out a sigh, he looked away from the screen and faced Ami instead. "Hoseok already had a back up plan just in case something went wrong with the initial plan which is to get Mustafa talk and be presented to court as witness."

"Han Jisoo. Jungkook has been stalking him and sending him continues death threats. At first he was hard to convince to show up here, until we used his scandal against him... He had multiple mistresses and all of those we have photos of. Han Jisoo have a wife and daughter — our last straw was to threaten him that we'll show those pictures to his family if he don't cooperate with us." Namjoon explained with a smart smirk on his full lips as he fix his eye glasses with one hand.

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