Ch 12

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Liam Moonhovan

Despite the fact that I hadn't seen Enzo in two weeks, he continued to call me every day and text me good morning and good night with memes and other random things throughout the day. I didn't know what to say when he called or texted at first, but it soon became the usual, and I'd be lying if I said I didn't look forward to it now.

"Ok, so we'll just ignore the fact that you've been smiling at your phone for the past week," Zach stated as he walked into my office. 

I immediately closed the meme Enzo had sent me and placed my phone down. "I have no idea what you're talking about," I shrugged.

 He chuckled at me and rolled his eyes "Sureee, but the person you've been on the phone with at least every day knows." 

I rolled my eyes and asked, "What are you here for?" 

"Okay, Fine, don't tell me anything. I only needed the contract documentation from BSDN "He replied with a chuckle

I pointed to the filling cabinet on the opposite side of my office and stated, "Top drawer, third file folder." 

"Are you serious about not telling me?" He inquired as he fished through the draw. 

"No, and I said top drawer moron" I responded as I shifted in my seat to face him. 

"I thought we were best friends who shared everything," Zach remarked dramatically, dismissing my initial comment while closing the third draw and moving to the top one.

"Well, I just hope she's treating you well," he continued, "but based on how much you've been smiling recently, I believe she is." 

I groaned and returned to my desk, pleased his back was turned to me so he couldn't see my frown at the use of 'she.' I chuckled and rolled my eyes as I said, "Just get your documents and go."

 He closed the draw  "Fine fine, I know you don't like being sappy." He said as he turned to me  "But just know that I'm always here for you," he continued as he walked to the door. 

I sighed and rolled my eyes. "Likewise. but you already know that," I said as I watched him walk out the door with a goofy grin on his face.

I chewed my lower lip, guiltily glancing at the desk. Although it was pretty evident thought my lack of interest in girls, but I also never really felt interested in guys. It took just a week of restless nights, articles, and online quizzes (which, for the record, I didn't believe) for me to realize I was in fact gay. I've known for months, but I've kept quiet about it. I just don't know how to bring it up to anyone.





"Hey. What do you want?" I asked putting the phone on speaker.

 When Enzo called, I was heading to Alexis' school to pick her up."Nothinggg..." he murmured, dragging the word out of his mouth and I could practically see him standing with a puppy-like expression on his face. 

"So you just called for nothing?" I teased.

"No.... Well, given as you weren't able to hang out last weekend, I know you're usually really busy. So I wanted to book your calendar early" he admitted making me smile.

 "Is that all there is to it?" I asked, amused, because he seemed nervous just asking me. 

He answered, "Mhm, I was thinking we could watch another movie or do something else on Saturday."

Feeling guilty, I bit my lower lip. "Let me guess you're busy?" He asked in a disappointed tone probably getting the answer from my silence. 

"Yea, a meeting came up. sorry" I said quietly. it wasn't a lie,  I had a meeting in morning and planned to spend the rest of the day after with Alexis, but I did feel bad.

 I couldn't spend time with him last weekend when he asked since I had another meeting and had been preoccupied with work for the whole week. At this point I would blame him if he thought all these meetings we're fake.

He tried to sound like he normally did when he answered, "No no, I fully get it work and everything get's busy" but I could hear his disappointment in his voice, which made me frown.

 "I have to go now, but I'll talk to you later yea?" I inquired as I approached the school's drop-off zone. 

"Yea.  Bye, I'll see you later "He said before hanging up. 

Alexis smiled as she jumped into the rear seat a few seconds later. "Hey, darling, how'd your day go?" I inquired, turning to face her.

"Good. Today we took our spelling test and I remembered what you showed me. B and D" she said putting up her hands. I found a method to help her remember by putting her thumbs up and remembering B was left and D right. 

Her beautiful grin made me chuckle as I drove away "That's fantastic, sweetie."

"Papa, Will invited me to his house can I go?" She inquired. "Hm? I'll wait to hear from his mother before asking her about it." I smiled, and she continued her diatribe about her day with a nod. Since Zach and Zaria were also coming over, I set to work making supper as soon as we got home.

Alexis dashed in with my phone, exclaiming, "Papa Papa, it's Wills mom!" After washing my hands on the towel, I chuckled as I took it from her. 

"Hello?" I asked. 

"Hello, Mr. Moonhovan,"  She said sweetly. 

"It's great to hear from you, Mrs. Baker. Alexis already informed me about Will inviting her" I said trying to cut it short as politely as I could. 

"Yes, he'll be hosting a couple of his classmates..." I hung up the phone after we'd exchanged the necessary information, such as time and location.

 "All right, you can go," I said, smiling as I watched her cheer.

"Yes, Lasagna!"  Zaria rejoiced a s Zach assisted me in arranging all of the food on the table

 "Yay!" Alexis said, grinning. I'm sure she was less concerned with the meal and simply wanted to create commotion. 

"Thank Liam for feeding us; otherwise, we'd all be dead," Zach murmured as he lowered the bowl in his hands. "Thanks, Liam," Zaria said with a smile. "Thank you, Papa!" exclaimed  Alexis, delighted. "Yay," Zach said as he saw me roll my eyes.

 "You're welcome," I said with a grin. "Let's dig in now. It looks too good" Zach remarked as he picked up his fork. We talked about our weeks as we ate our meal. 

It was simply our odd family, as it had always been.

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