Ch 30

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Enzo Toun

I gradually opened my eyes, my gaze falling on the weight on my chest. Liam was sound sleeping, his blond hair cascading over his face, and he looked to be more at peace. I couldn't help but admire his attractiveness and smile at him. the realization that we we're not to speaking terms a few days ago and now here we we're is still unbelievable to me. 

I have no idea what we are, or what exactly is going between us but it doesn't matter; I'm not going to push Liam to label it or anything and I'm perfectly happy if we could just stay like this. I could sense how difficult it was for him to admit he likes me or exhibit affection, and I think it's the sweetest thing imaginable.

"What has you thinking so hard this early in the morning?" 

I smiled as I glanced at Liam and saw him stretch his arms as he yawned. 

"You're like a cat," I remarked, laughing slightly at my revelation, and he cast me a more confused rather than angry glare. 

"A cat?" He inquired, his brow furrowed. 

"Yea a cat.... You're choosy about everything, from food to people; you don't like water, loud noises, or people, and you're quite judgmental." I said adding the last part as more of a joke. Liam scoffed and sat up, his gaze falling on me.

"You, on the other hand, are like a dog. Extroverted, always enthusiastic, and very energetic and noisy. and so forth. So, I guess it all works out." He mumbled with a laugh.

 "Enzo and Liam. The cat and dog duo" I chuckled making jazz hands for dramatic effect 

"Yea, No don't ever call us that again." He grumbled sliding off the other side of the bed. 

"Why not? I think it's very catchy." I said watching him as he trudged into the bathroom at the other side of the room. 

"No it's not and I will not hesitate to kick you out of my house." He shouted from the bathroom. 

I laughed and lay back on the bed, staring at the ceiling. I sighed, still euphoric from being near him, which made me want to follow him about and squeal like a twelve-year-old girl. It reminded me of middle school crushes, but better.

"OK I'll bite. What's making you smile so much...well, more than usual? Since you woke up. It gives me the creeps "As he stood over me, besides the bed, Liam asked, peering down at me. His hair was dripping wet, and a towel was slung over his shoulders, on the clothes which he'd just changed into. 

"You," I murmured, a smile on my face as he reddened slightly. 

"What about me?"  Liam questioned, smirking as he leaned in closer.

"You make me so happy," I responded honestly as I saw his face light up with a smile. 

"I make you happy?" He asked, his brow furrowed. 

"The happiest," I murmured, leaning forward and encircling him with my arms. 

"What are you doing?" He asked looking over at me. 

"Come and cuddle with me for a while."

"Why? I just got out of bed and showered. Liam muttered making me glance up at him with begging eyes; at first, he only glared at me, but then he softened and sighed, pushing me to move over. He slid into the bed next me and turned to face me. I cautiously encircled him with my arms, drawing our bodies closer together.

"What's on your mind at the moment. How pleased do I make you?" I teased him, observing his attentive look.

 "That's true. but  also how little I know about your personal life." He said with a grimace on his face.

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