Srry for grammatical errors and pic of Cam's room on the side.
"And here we are." my father exclaimed while opening the door to our new beachside, two story house."Woah... How did you guys afford this place?" I said looking around, even though the house was practically empty it was beautiful. It had a large open living room with many windows that all have a wonderful view of the ocean. As I walked through the threshold I saw the kitchen, and believe me when I say was amazing with all stainless steal appliances, marble counter tops and an island in the center.
"Well you see with the income of my new job and the amount we made from selling our old house we were able to upgrade our living conditions a bit." dad responded.
"Ok so your rooms are upstairs and ours is downstairs. Cam you get the bigger room because you're older. Jack if I hear you complain even once then you will sleep in the shed got it." You go mom, I thought as Jack huffed in frustration.
I decided not to wait any longer I ran up the stairs to see which room was mine, when I finally found it I was dumbstruck. It had to be at least twice as big as my old room, but the only thing was that none of the furniture in here was mine. Just then my mom walked in, "Man, Cam you can run fast... Why couldn't you wait I wanted your room to be a surprise. After buying the house we realized that we had a little extra money so we thought that we could fix up the rooms before we moved in so we wouldn't have to sleep in empty, depressing rooms waiting for our century old furniture to arrive." She said excited, "I hope you like. I even asked Kat and Nikki to help choose out the design."
"I absolutely love it thank you mom." I screamed as I pulled her into a hug.
"Ok good," she said pulling out of the hug, "Now freshen up and be downstairs in 10 because we were invited next door to meet our new neighbors over dinner. They even have kids around yours and Jake age."
Oh great friends (hint the sarcasm)
Hunter' POV"Hey mom I'm home." oh god I have never felt so happy to say that. You see I just spent the three weeks at my grandma's house in New Jersey and I have never wanted to jump out a window more then I did there, all we did was sit around and do nothing all day. I mean it got to the point where Mark (my little brother) pretended to be so home sick that he couldn't eat so dad had to send him home early, and that little twat got away with it too all because he waited until gran was asleep to actually eat.
I heard a loud bang coming from the kitchen and saw my mom running to me like her life depended on it, "My little baby is back!" She squealed.
"Mom I'm 6'3 and 17 years old I don't think that counts as little, and I think Mark would be considered your baby not me." I laughed as she started to make it hard for me to breathe.
"I don't care how old you are you will always be my baby."
"Hey! Hunter your back." my brother screamed running down the stairs. But stopped when he saw my glare.
"You little brat you left me with gran in that boring house. How could you do that to your own flesh and blood?!" I screamed. I know I'm being a little dramatic but it really was boring.
"Hey,hey, hey when we were there it was every man for himself. Don't take it personally." He put his hands up in surrender.
"Why you little-"
"Ok as much as I love watching you two fight we don't have time for this, we have guest coming over." my mom interjected. Wait did she just say guest? Who could possibly be coming over? As if reading me mind she continued, "The Andersons finally sold their house and we now have new neighbors which I invited over for dinner. So go take your luggage up to your room and get cleaned up I want to make a good first impression."
I grumbled and walked up the stairs to my room. As I walked in I saw my curtains were open and went to close them, but before closing them I saw the window across from mine and with gray curtains and realized that the new neighbors must have a child because I knew for a fact that the master bedroom wasn't the room across from mine. Thinking nothing of it I closed the curtain and started to get ready.
♠️♠️♠️♠️♠️♠️♠️♠️♠️Cameron's POV
I can't believe I was dragged into going to this little gathering. I mean is should be at home right now unpacking and trying to get ready for the new school year by actually doing my work for once but no I'm here with my family waiting for someone to open the door to the Black's house or at least I think that's who lives here according to their mail box.After waiting for about a minute I decided to speak up, "Well looks like no ones home guess we should head bac-" I didn't get to finish my sentence because at that moment the door opened to reveal a women that seemed to be in her late 40s with a polite smile on her face.
"Hello I'm Alyssa Black, you must be our new neighbors. Well come on in I'm just finishing up cooking dinner, it should be done in 5. And I'm sorry my husband will be a bit late due to the fact that he's working the late shift." She said looking at little tired.
"No worries I'm just happy to be invited for dinner, would you like any help in the kitchen?" My mom asked kindly.
"Oh yes of course." Alyssa replied as my mom and dad followed her to the kitchen.
"How much you wonna bet this is going to be worse then thanksgiving with nana." I turned to Jake with a raised eyebrow.
"You see I would take you up on that but I have yet to see anything that amuses me, and I don't feel like loosing money." he laughed.
Just then I heard the sound of two people fighting coming down the stairs. Then I saw the most unforgettable face I thought I'd never see again.And you guessed it, it's the Greek god like guy that I saw at the airport.
"Oh, hey your the girl from the airport."
"Well I might just take you up on that bet right now Cam."
Sooooo..... They finally met. So stay tuned or not, it's kind of really your decision. I'm hoping you choose to stay bc I have around 80 views right now and I'm really happy. And remember...VOTE

I Guess You Could Call Us A Cliche
Roman pour AdolescentsTake a chance and change yourself. But what happens when the change is something you don't like? You have a second chance at reinvention. A chance to bring it all back or change it completely. Until you decide that you like what you see in the mirror