And the circle continues

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Cam's outfit on the side hope you like this chapter. Sorry for any mistakes.

Cam's POV
I just stood there quaking like an idiot until I heard my brother speak up, "Since she's obviously too busy eye raping you to introduce herself, I'll do it for her. I'm Jack and this is my sister Cameron but everyone calls her Cam."

"Hey, I was not eye raping him!"

"Yea tell that to the drool hanging out of your mouth." Wait was I drooling? I reached up and touched my mouth to see that I was clear.

I was just about ready to slap Jack upside the head, But the rents decided at that moment to come out from the kitchen to tell us dinner was ready.

When I tell you that I have never felt so awkward before I mean it. I mean the Greek god's- who's name I learned was hunter- dad showed up a little bit after the food was served and the parents were now deep in conversation. Not to mention how Jack and hunter's little brother Mark hit it off fast and we're now talking about the newest Call of Duty game. While I quietly sat there eating my dinner and only talked when the parents asked for my input. What about Hunter you may ask, well he was on his phone texting the entire time.

I couldn't wait until dinner was over, but like the nice, social people our neighbors are they insisted that we just had to stay and chat with them for a while. I was pretty much in my own world until I heard a deep voice speak up, "As much as I would love to stay and finish this very interesting chat, mom, Evan is having a welcome home party for me at his place so I need to go."

His mother gave him a spectical look and then glanced over at me. "You can go on one condition, you have to take Cam with you so she can make some friends before school starts."

"Um it's not that I'm not grateful for the offer but I'm not exactly the partying type." I replied, I mean the confused look on my parents face may say other wise, and I don't exactly plan on cutting partying out completely from the new me but I barely know this guy and I don't think it'd be the best idea to go to party meant for him when I don't even know him.

"Oh that's none sense you used to always go to parties in New Jersey." My mom said with a look that basically says don't be rude. Oh great mom thanks for ratting me out.

"Well I didn't pack any nice clothes."I replied smiling to myself. Why won't they just drop the idea?

My annoying little brother decided at that moment to speak up, "That's a lie I've seen your luggage you have enough clothes for like 10 parties."

"Ok then I guess it's settled let me just head upstairs and change, you can go over to your house to change and we can meet outside in 10." Hunter said with a breathtaking smile.

Oh fuck my life
I wasn't exactly in a rush to get ready and go so I took my time walking to my house. Since I took a shower and did my make up before going over for dinner all I had to do was change my clothes, which shouldnt be too hard seeing as how I had a limited selection until our stuff finally made it to L.A. After about five minutes of looking I decided upon a floral waist high skirt, with a white tang top that I tucked in, with a jean jacket on top in case it got cold, this way I didn't look too casual or too slutty. I decided to just touch up my make up a bit and apply a little bit of lipstick. Then I slipped on my heeled black combat boots and grab a white purse in which I put my phone and keys and headed out.

As I walked out of my house I saw Hunter casually leaning against what I suppose is his car wearing a black t-shirt and dark wash jeans. Once he saw me approaching he unlocked the car, got in and motioned for me to follow.

After a minute of silence I decided to speak up, "So a welcome home party?"

"Yea, I was out of state for a month visiting family, that's why you saw me at the airport."

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