chapter 1

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I'm Dream and I'm 90 feet tall, I work at the gym all hours of the day and I'm 19 in highschool 😎
I'm also gay, and my best friend is Gay bitch sapnap
He has a choking kink

"H-h-h-h-h-h-h-ey dreamy weamy🥺🥺🥺💓💓💓"
I look under me and see a little goblin, he is 1 feet tall and is wearing a skirt
I blush
"Hey baby boy" *smirk* "What you doing here all alone..?🤤"
"Nothing.. you're really masculine😚😚😚😚💞💞💞💞" He says
You can barely hear him because of the 89 feet height difference
He sounds like a mouse
I pick him up, hes wearing a croptop
I leave school and call sapnap
"Hey gurl!!!! I'm just hanging out with karl and quackity right no- Aah Karl~"

"Sapnap are you getting blowed rn?"

"Y- yeah~ why did you call?"

"I need advice. So there is this 1 foot tall boy at school and-"

"Just make out man, hes gay- AGH QUACKITY~~ NGH~ *choking sounds*"

"Thx for the advice"

"*choking sounds and moans cuz gay*"

I hang up
Such a good friend

dreamy weamy cream his pants dnf uwuWhere stories live. Discover now