""I'm just not in the mood to talk okay?""

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Mike Wheeler
Nancy Wheeler


I woke up in Mike's house almost forgetting i had a sleepover. I stoop up from the bed and got changed for school. As i walk out the door, i saw Nancy, Mike's sister. "Hey y/n! How did you sleep?". She kindly asked me, "I slept great! I just hate about waking up so early though, i was having the best sleep of my lifeeee". Nancy laughed at my whining. "Awww, it's okay, we can maybe do something later" Nancy said as she walked off.

I made my way downstairs to see Mike eating waffles. "Hey mike! hows your day going?" I excitedly asked. He replied with a cold "fine" and continued eating his cereal. I grabbed some waffles from the toaster and sat beside Mike. "Mike can you pass the syrup" i pointed at the syrup. Mike looked at me for a sec, he sighed, he passed me the syrup while having a bite on his waffles.

I just thought that maybe he was having a bad day because he's stressed, i think thats why he's just not talking that much. Mike finished he's waffles and sat down on the couch, watching the TV. I then finished eating my waffles and fixed my clothes when i stood up. I saw Mike not even wearing formal clothes, "Mike!" I shouted from across the room. "What?!" He answered. I come closer to him and said "Why aren't you dressed up yet?! We have school in less than an hour!"

"Whats wrong with what I'm wearing?!" He said back. I scoffed "sir you're literally wearing sweatpants and a dirty tshirt! Just please go change" i exclaimed. Mike stood up from the couch and went upstairs to change.

It was 7:40 am and school starts at 8 am. Mike was still upstairs, "MIKE! WERE GONNA BE LATE" i screamed. I went upstairs and knocked at mikes door. "Mike! Are u done?! Were about to be late for school!".

Mike opened the door, looking at me annoyingly. "Come on!" I grabbed his arm and dragged him downstairs. "Let go of me!" Mike shouted. I let go of Mike's arm. "Are you ready?" I asked him, he jut nodded. We went outside and went on the bus.

At least we weren't late for the bus because if we were, we would've been driving in moms car without a license.


i went on the bus with Y/N and sat beside her. I looked at her snd she was look out the window. I went on my phone and turned on some music to listen to. I slowly fall asleep as i feel someone shaking me and screaming my name. "MIKE! WAKE UP". It was Y/N waking me up. I groaned and sighed "yeah yeah, I'm awake".

We both grabbed our stuff and went out of the bus. Me and Y/N went our different ways. I would always meet up with the friend group except for Y/N. Since she made news friends she stopped talking to us and joining us, instead she talks with her friends instead. Thats why i'm not talking to her that much like usual. I'm kinda jealous since most of her friends are boys and i just don't like them.

It was our break time after class when i saw Y/N walking towards me. "mikeyyyy, why aren't you talking to me that much anymoreee?" She asked while whining. " I ignored her and went to my locker, she followed me. I turned my back to her and said "what do u want?!". "I just wanna talk" she replied looking down. "Were in school. Lets talk later" i said with a straight face and went to my next class.

I realized that me and Y/N was in the same class as me so i worried. We were both just staring at each other until the teacher came. "So class! Today we will be doing a project." The teacher said. Hm, not bad, i can do a project easily. "But of course you will be doing it with a partner of MY choice" the teacher added. My eyes widened after hearing that, i hoped and prayed it wasn't gonna be y/n or else it'll be awkward.

The teacher was now calling the partners and i didn't get a partner yey so i was just waiting. There were only 4 people in class who haven't got a partner so i was worried me and y/n will be called as partners since she also haven't got her partner yet. The teacher called the other partners but me and y/n were left so that means... me and y/n are partners.

"Everyone go to your own places and make sure you pass the project at the end of the week!" The teacher said. I saw y/n walking towards me , i glanced at her at disappointment. She sat down beside me and was awkwardly doing nothing. "sooo, how should we do our project?" She said to stop the silence. "I don't know?" I replied.

It was silent again but the bell rang right in time. "Mike!" Y/n called me before i walked away. I looked back at her. "Lets do the project at my house" she said smiling. I just nodded and walked away. Once school ended, i walked to y/n's house since her house isn't that far from the school. When i arrived at her house i knocked at the door.

I heard someone opening the door, figuring it was y/n but when the door opened it was her mom. "Mike? What are you doing here?" Her mom asked. "Oh me and y/n is gonna do a project and she said to do it in her house, is y/n there?" I replied nicely. "Yeah, come in" she gestured me to go in. I went in her house and went upstairs to her room. I knocked, "y/n, its me, Mike". Y/n opened her door and smiled. I went in her room and it was neatly organized.

"So how are we gonna do the project? I was thinking about making it about a program for helpless people" she said to me. "yea, i guess that would work". We started talking and planning about it, a few hours have passed, it was 8 pm. "Hey y/n, maybe i should go, my mom might be worried I haven't went home yet." She just nodded and cleaned everything up.

While i was helping her clean, she said "mike, do u wanna talk about it?" She looked at me. "What?" I confusingly asked. "Do u wanna maybe talk about why you're basically ignoring me all the time now?". Y/n asked me. I was in a bad mood and didn't wanna talk. "WHY DO YOU EVEN CARE ANYWAYS?! YOU'RE ALWAYS SO ANNOYING AND SO CURIOUS ABOUT EVERYTHING! YOU DON'T SPEND TIME WITH ME OR THE FRIEND GROUP ANYMORE!" I screamed at her. "I-" she was shocked. I exclaimed and walked out her room, slamming the door.

Y/n's mom saw me walking down the stairs in an annoyed look, "mike whats wrong?" She asked me. I completely ignored her and walked out of their house.


I was devastated to what mike said to me, i started to cry. "Im such a bad friend... i should've knew.." I whispered to myself. I continued to clean up while tears dropping down my face. After that i jumped on the bed and started to cry more, i wanted to apologize to mike but i can't, he'll just keep on ignoring me. I slowly fell asleep.



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