But when you hold me, in the fantasy it's so convincing

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Sadie and I walk out of the hotel and into town to grab some dinner. We go to a popular sushi bar that some locals suggest for first timers to the city. I'm astonished at how fancy the place looks.

"Are you sure we should be here?" Sadie asks.

"What do you mean?" I ask with a confused look.

"I mean this place looks like somewhere you'd go on a date," she says quietly.

"We're already here," I shrug.

It's a date to me.

"The sushi does smell good," she admits and finds a booth to sit in.

I sit across from her and look at her for a second. I never noticed how delicate her features seem until now. Her skin looks soft and fragile, her eyes have a sparkle to them that you can only see if you're paying close enough attention, and her smile lights up the room. I'm snapped out of my daze when the waitress comes over and asks for our order.

"Hello. What can I get started for you?" she asks.

"I'll have a cup of tea and the uh, shrimp sushi platter," I say as I look at the menu in front of me.

"And for you?" she asks Sadie.

I'm put back in a daze as she tells the waitress what she wants. She smiles at her and I feel my heart pounding in my chest.

I want to tell her how I feel. I just don't wanna screw up our friendship. I can't lose her, even if it is just as a friend.

The waitress leaves to go get our drinks and food, that's when Sadie turns her attention to me.

"Satoru. I-," she says then stops herself and gets a worried look on her face.

"What is it?" I ask looking at her with concern.

"I just got a strange feeling. I can feel a curse's presence, and it's nearby," she says and looks out the window.

"Is it strong?" I ask.

"No, it seems like it's a flyhead's presence," she says and looks around at everyone in the restaurant.

Our waitress comes back with our drinks and sets them on the table. I take a closer look at her and see a fly head appear behind her shoulder.

"Are you okay?" Sadie asks.

"What do you mean?" the waitress responds.

"Your shoulder seems like it's bothering you," I say and point to her left shoulder.

"It has been hurting lately. I think I might've done something to it while working," she says and rubs her shoulder.

"Do you mind if I try something?" Sadie asks. "Me and my friend here are Jujutsu Sorcerers and I'm practicing medicine," she half lies.

"Oh, sure!" our waitress says with a grin.

Sadie stands up and does a swiping motion near the waitress's shoulder. All of a sudden the fly head disappears and the waitress looks relieved.

"Thank you so much! My shoulder feels a lot better!" the waitress exclaims.

"If it starts hurting again you should go see a doctor," Sadie says with a smile and sits back down.

"Okay, I will. I'll give you each a dessert of your choice on the house," she smiles and returns to her job.

"Impressive lie," I say after the waitress is out of ear shot.

"Thanks. I couldn't just let that fly head keep terrorizing her with pain," she says and takes a drink of her lemonade.

"Understandable," I say and look out the window in deep thought.

She's so caring, not only about her friends but about strangers.

My thoughts are interrupted when our waitress comes back with our dinner. I didn't realize how big the sushi platters are, so I'm taken aback by the size of the dish. My eyes widen as the waitress sets the platter down in front of me and I hear Sadie laugh.

"You gonna be able to finish that?" she laughs.

"Honestly, probably not," I laugh and dig in immediately.

The rest of dinner goes smoothly and we exit the sushi bar and walk to the nearest park.

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