My tiny world chapter 1

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-----------This is a world of quirks. 80% of the world's population is born with a quirk that allows them to achieve extraordinary feats. Some can fly others can shoot fire from their fingers but from all of these people one stands out and he is known as the Symbole of peace All might. There are many heroes and All might is the greatest of them all but where there is light there is also darkness. There are multiple criminals in the world, some want to change it, some want to rule it and some just want to see it all burn. These criminals are called villains. There are also the unlucky ones, the 20% of the population that does not have a quirk, the so-called quirkless, and they are viewed as "inferior" to those with quirks.-----------

Izuku Midoriyia looked outside his window. The blue sky stretched as far as the eye could see and there were barely any clouds.  His room was filled with posters and mini-figures of All Might, his idol. He got out of bed and went to his bathroom to brush his teeth and put on his school uniform. After he proceeded to his kitchen and grabbed an apple and a cup full of coffee which he downed quickly. He left his house and walked to his school. Izuku was born without a quirk and for that reason was made fun of but he never gave up on his dream of being a hero. when his mother was still alive she had told him " Follow your dreams and never give up because in the end. never giving up is one of the most heroic things to do" he remembered those words she had told him while she lay on her hospital bed. The warm sun rays touched his face and made him smile, within those few seconds of warmth Izuku was happy but then, as he neared his school he felt cold, not because of the weather but instead, he was cold with fear but still his smile never vanished.

He walked into class. He was usually one of the first to arrive and this time was no different. He sat alone in a corner as students poured in but to them he was invisible. To them, he was nothing but a waste of oxygen. Nothing but a useless kid. Nothing but a quirkless brat. After being bullied countless times he started to develop higher senses being able to hear footsteps of students and teachers walking along the corridor but there was one step of footsteps he was scared of and they belonged to Bakugo Katsuki. Bakugo used to be Izukus friend before he was given as quirkless. After that Bakugo tormented Izuku with his quirk that was very powerful. His ability allowed him to create deadly explosions from the palm of his hand and he would blast Izuku every day just for being who he was and dreaming the dreams he dreamt. Bakugo walked inside the room and saw Izuku this terrified him as he knew Bakugo would torment him. Bakugo had named labeled Izuku Deku, and that meant useless. Every time Bakugo said that name Izuku was reminded of what he was, useless. Bakugo came over to Izuku and wrapped his hand around the poor boy's shoulder. Now Izuku was terrified.

-Good morning Deku.

Izuku was terrified to answer him and this displeased Bakugo.

-When I say something you answer me Deku! He said using his quirk to blast Izuku into a wall hurting his back and slightly burning his clothes. Izuku felt his skin slightly burn where Bakugo had placed his hand and set off the explosion.

-I'm sorry Bakugo it won't happen again. mumbled Izuku as he slowly looked into his aggressor's eyes.

All around him Izuku saw the same faces. Students and teachers alike were "wearing" smiles and grins as they watched the scene and none of them cared the least bit about what happened to the quirkless boy. Izuku had seen these smiles his whole life. Every time he was beaten no one tried to help him and not only that but people that were passing by usually had a grin on their faces, or just ignored his situation and carried on with their days. 

-It better not happen again Deku. 

He was left alone after that.


Izuku was walking back home, tears filled his eyes and he tried his best not to cry and keep on smiling. The street was dark and very quiet. No dogs were barking. no vehicles were passing by. Only his feint footsteps and sobs echoed through the street. Then suddenly Izuku heard a weird sound. It was like water but, as the boy looked back he realized it was not that. He saw a monster made out of green sludge race towards him. He tried to run but his legs would not move. The monster grabbed him and began to choke the boy  with his tentacles.

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