Chapter 7

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"So, where are mom and dad again?" Katy said as she and Viviane walked into the breakfast room.

Vivianne sighed, "Mom and Dad are picking up Grandma Woods."

Katy nodded, "And where are the guys?" She asked as they sat down at their table.


"Fishing?" Katy said, raising an eyebrow, "I didn't know Dave fished?"

"Neither did I, but it's fine by me."

"And I thought grandma Woods was flying in?" Katy said, still somewhat confused as to the whole situation.

"Well," Vivianne started as a waitress approached them. "She was, but in the end, she said that planes are a deathtrap and she'd rather drive."

The waitress smiled and asked them what they would like to drink, once they both ordered their coffee and breakfast she walked away again.

"And then?" Katy asked, turning to Viv once more.

"Then dad said she shouldn't be driving such a long distance on her own. But she insisted that she most definitely can and then mom and dad decided to go and pick her up instead."

"That does seem like the better option." Katy said with a sigh, "So when will they be back?"

"Dad said 2 days, mom said more along the lines of 3. "

Katy chuckled, "Well at least they'll be back before the actual wedding. Now, what's the plan for today?"

"Well, I wanted to discuss the planning of the week with you." Vivianne said getting out a binder from her purse, "And then we can go and choose the dessert for the dinner!"

"Shouldn't Dave be doing that with you?"

"No, you like desserts better." Vivianne said as she opened the binder, "So when do the rest of the bride's maids arrive?"

"Well..." Katy said grabbing her phone, "That I put in my notes app... let me see. Alright, so Claire will be here tomorrow morning; she is taking an overnight flight. Melissa and Cassie are going to drive here together, they are aiming at being here either tonight or early tomorrow morning. And Thea will be here tomorrow afternoon, she said something about why, but I can't remember."

Vivianne nodded, "Alright, alright, so we may have to move some things around, but I'm guessing it will be fine."

"So what's the planning for the coming days?" Katy said, putting her phone away.

Vivianne smiled opening her wedding binder, "Well like I said, today we're going to choose desserts, and after that, I was thinking of getting a mani-pedi together."

"Alright," Katy said, "Sounds good, and other than that?"

"Well..." Vivianne said looking down at her binder, "That's what's planned for today, then tomorrow we have a dance class, and a cocktail night with the girls."

Katy raised an eyebrow, "Dance class?"

Vivianne nodded, "Dave and I have been taking dance classes for the first dance, but we thought it would be cute if, after a moment, the bride's maids and groomsmen join us for a short dance."

"And so we're gonna take 1 dance class?"

"It'll be very simple, just something small and cute," Vivianne said looking down at her binder again. "Then on Tuesday, we're going in for the last dress check, if any last alterations have to be made that it'll still be on time. Then that evening, Dave's parents arrive, and Dave and I will have dinner with the parents. On Wednesday we have the bachelorette party."

Katy smiled, "That I know."

"Then on Thursday most of the guests arrive and you're picking up the dresses. And then in the evening, we'll have the rehearsal dinner and the big day is on Friday." Vivianne said with a sigh, "The big day..."

"The big day." Katy repeated still smiling, "Alright, so we're gonna taste some desserts?"

Vivianna laughed, "Yes that's what we're gonna do."

After they finished having breakfast they both got ready for their day and decided to meet up in the lobby. There they would meet up with Kevin, who would then guide them to the hotel kitchen, where they could choose the dessert. Katy had been surprised to learn that they would be let into the hotel kitchen, but she enjoyed it nonetheless. Once they entered, they were met with the sight of a plethora of desserts all around the room. Kevin, who would stay with them while they tasted the desserts, then got called away for a moment, leaving the two women alone in the kitchen.

"They all look so good..." Katy said, her mouth-watering as she took in the variety of desserts in front of her.

Vivianne chuckled, "Alright, alright, now let's taste some of these." She said, grabbing a fork.

Katy chuckled, following her sister's actions, "I'd thought you'd never say that.

As they tasted a couple of desserts, Vivianne asked a question she'd been dying to ask, "Alright, you've got to tell me more about what happened between you and Liam."

Katy nearly choked on a piece of cheesecake she'd just put into her mouth, "What?" She mustered out coughing. "That's work I'm not allowed to talk about that."

Vivianne scoffed, "Mom's not here; just tell me."

Katy chuckled, wiping the corner of her mouth with a tissue, "But it's a long story."

"And I've got the time."

Katy chuckled, "Alright, alright... So I guess it all started when I represented my first client, I mean the first one I represented on my own. From what I knew, he had already been working for a couple of years yet I was still very new to everything. I remember running into him the day before the first court date, and up until then, he had been very kind. So that morning, he told me that the trial would start half an hour later. So I showed up half an hour later." Katy paused as Vivianna gasped.

"No, he didn't."

"He did." Katy said, "The judge knew it was my first client, he gave me a reprimand and things went on from there. Afterwards, I went to give him a piece of my mind."

"What happened?"

"Well..." Katy trailed off as she took a bite of the chocolate dessert.

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