pt 1

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    Once upon a time there lived an elvin colony amongst the forest, they lived as happy as can

 be. With the flowers and the animals. Nothing could hurt them, or so they thought. They were

 living life peacefully like they always would until one day the king came back with terrible news.

 "THE QUEEN IS DEAD". That was all he heard. Screams of terror, shreks of sadness, and most of all. The call of war upon their colony.

     He hid... Where else could he go, he had nowhere else. His father wanted to send him into battle, he had lost his mother. What was he supposed to do? He had no one except for his cousin, Zinnia who had fled with her family to hide away. The whole village was empty, the wind howled through each house like a dying nymph. He couldn't hide anymore. No matter how hard he tried to convince himself of it, he needed to do what was right. And to finally please his father.

He sat on the edge of a rock near a pond. 'No one can find me here' he thought to himself but sadly he was mistaken. "Hey there lover boy" called a voice from the pond. "Who are you?" asked Caspian in a cold and distant voice. "Why im your guardian angel" said the voice sarcastically. Then it clicked. "Get out of this part of the forest, Zephyr" called Caspian. "I think not," said Zephyr in a sly yet oddly flirty voice. "I will not ask you again, leave."

"aww come on now, i'm just trying to have some fun, yet you come here with your cold eyes and distant voice. It's no fair. I want to have a turn at making you upset" said Zephyr in an overly dramatic and sad voice


"Caspian!" called another voice from behind a tree, "Yes Zinnia?" said Caspian. "Your father wants you, right now! "Go back and tell him i'll be there in a minute" Called Caspian.

"Oh alright, but do not take longer than 15 minutes or you might be in more big trouble than you already are!" said Zinnia loudly. He listened to see if she was gone then turned back to the mermaidian in front of him.

"Now I really need you to leave, Zephyr. You don't want your tail cut off and fried, do you?" said Caspian in a cold but sarcastic voice. "But I didn't even get to say hi properly to you" zephyr said sadly as he dropped his sarcastic and sly demeanor. " I'm sorry darling, but another time?" said Caspian as he flew off into the forest and left Zephyr upset and puzzled.

"Father, you called?" said Caspian in a bitter voice. "Yes son, thank you for finally joining us. It took you long enough." said his father with the same amount of bitterness in his voice. "Mhmm, right well. What is it you need?" he asked. "What I need is for you to use that little old mermaidian friend of yours to help us with the war," his father said with a sly tone. "And what do you need me to ask?" said Caspian hesitantly.

"I need you. To use him. And find out information about his colony and how they plan on fighting us." his father stated. "WHAT-" Caspian said as he let out a small sample of his anger "WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY USE HIM? I WILL DO NO SUCH THING. I WILL NOT BREAK A CONNECT WITH SOMEONE THAT I AM LOYAL TO!"

"YOU WILL NOT SPEAK TO ME IN SUCH A MANNER!" his father boomed loudly and he took a step towards his son and grabbed him by the collar while pushing him up against a wall "DO YOU UNDERSTAND?". "Y-yes father" he said in a small voice. "I CAN'T HEAR YOU BOY!". "Y-Yes father" he said loud enough for his father to be satisfied. "Good, now run along and go find that ugly creature."

He then went on to go look for his lover once again but this time guilt has filled his entire stomach. He was toren. Does he actually go along with the plan and hurt one of the only people to show him kindness or does he go against his father's wishes and get killed. He wanted neither but there had to be one choice He had to make. And that choice had led him to his despair.

"Zephyr!" he had called out near the same pond. "Yes, your highness?" Zephyr said in the same cocky tone as always. "Will you quit it!" Said Caspian "quit what?" Zephyr said. "You know what i'm talking about," Caspian said. "Right right, well what is it you need my dearest "friend", I'm always happy to help." Zephyr said using his hands to put up quotation marks as he said friend. "I would like to know how your family is preparing for the war between our colonies".

"And why would I tell you that?" Said Zephyr in a questioning tone. "Because I will tell you what my family is doing in return," said Caspian with a cold voice and straight face.

"Hmm... how about no? This isn't like you, you never ask for these things." Zephyr said in a concerned voice "please, just tell me what's going on. I care, you know. I may not act like it all the time but i do"

"I know you do, and I care about you as well my love, but this time is different. There is nothing wrong with me. I promise." Caspian said in a calm and reassuring voice as he sat at the edge of the pond next to zephyr and held his hand. "I truly do promise. It's just so I know how to keep you and I safe. I want to know to make sure I don't get hurt as bad, or worse killed."

"Okay, i guess with that reasoning i have to tell you" zephyr said as he scooted closer to caspian and hugged his waist "my father said that he is going head on, he will not hesitate at killing your kind. He has a map of where his men are going to be and how they get there. And also just as a reminder that us merfolk can get out of water. We do have legs."

"Thank you my dear, now. For my family's plans, we plan on moving to a secret location out west far from the lakes and rivers. My father said it's better to stay away from the merfolk because he does not know you have legs and not just a tail. He also plans on putting walls up near your home so be careful there too." Caspian said lying through his teeth as he got up from where he sat. "Well, i have to go now, so i'll see you in a bit my dear!"

"O-ok angel, I'll see you in a bit!" replied zephyr as he untangled his arms from Caspian's waist. "I love you"

Caspian stopped in his tracks as he was about to leave and almost shed a tear "I love you too, my dearest Zephyr" replying back to his lover with a crack in his voice. 

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