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"when she talks, I hear the revolution."

I rubbed at my face while walking through the MC's back doors. I zeroed in on Papa. He downed shots at the pool table with Wes like the liquor was water.

News of Rage's memorial/funeral had gotten to us. Of course, Wolf being Wolf, had thrown an all day clubhouse rager. Some normies we associated with from around town, and some Death Reapers from other chapters had showed up too. The place was packed ass to ass. I checked the time on my phone, noting with irritation that it was only 7pm. Cowboy was already passed out on a worn leather couch, London drawing on his face with black sharpie.

I took a seat at the bar as Diablo got up to leave. He blew me a kiss, chuckling as he passed by. I looked around slowly, lazily. The person to my left turned to me. I startled, seeing Angel's sister next to me. Her white blonde hair was tucked up in a messy updo. Her bare legs were so very long in a black dress.

"How goes it?" I asked, smiling politely to her. I nodded to Dallas for a beer.

Lux shrugged, turning back to a joint that Rebel had just passed her. I settled in my stool and watched the youngest McKenna sister as she sat on the other side of Lux. We were all extra diligent with our club girls now. The after shock still hadn't wore off.

Rebel was watching Dallas like a lost little puppy dog. She'd lost significant weight in the past week. This was her and Dallas' first MC event back. They were damn near inseparable now and spent a lot of time at the hospital with Riley. Dallas was still like the MC mother hen, but worse when it came to Rebel, Riley, and even now the club bunnies.

"Hey Rebel, how was your sister today?" I asked, leaning back on my stool and taking a pull from my beer. Lux still held the joint, ever so softly.

Rebel jumped, her eyes looking far away and lost as she stared at me. Her eyes reminded me so much of Riley's when she was messed up on all her shit. When she'd be drunk out of her mind. Rebel pulled at the strings on her hoodie, licking her dry lips. "She's recovering from her surgery."

I nodded, glancing over at Dallas. She was already watching me. She stared intently a second too long before continuing mixing drinks. She flew the drinks down the bar to  Trace and London. I wish she'd stop fluttering around.

I took another pull on my beer, eyes back to Rebel's. "How'd it go?"

She gave me a pretty smile, voice flat. "No complications."

Lux spoke up, passing the joint to Dallas, who immediately snubbed it out in a nearby ash tray. Her voice was scratchy. "How's she look?" The question felt heavy in the air around us. Like a topic we couldn't discuss.

No one said anything.

Lux sighed. "It was a cosmetic surgery, right? How does she feel she looks?" Irritation leaked into Angel's sister's voice.

After a long silence, Dallas answered, just as flat and devoid of emotion as Rebel. "She's fucking devastated. She had her face cut up. By a jealous little bitch." Rebel's eyes went back and forth between Lux and Dallas, frowning.

"Hold on. Who are you, again?" Rebel asked. Lux smiled a grimace, looking mildly put out.

"Angel's sister." The girls glanced at each other, still frowning.

"Explains the social weirdness.. I suppose there is a resemblance.." Dallas muttered, pouring Lux a glass of water and pushing it towards her.

Lux shrugged, beginning to sip the water daintily. "Believe it or not, this is not the first time someone has had this concern."

Death Reapers MC #2: Kane's CurseWhere stories live. Discover now