Chapter 2: Awaken!

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Third person p.o.v

Izuku is now 11 years old started to attend school doing his job in construction, go to raid with the other and secretly training his power, because everyone don't know about it,  or even have idea of him having such a flashy power, that's why he was called as the most weakest hunter in the world, They don't know he have a quirk and power which stronger than quirk.


he was in forest torturing his body on working out, even tho he doesn't have a quirk he want to become strong and show to all people that even a homeless and quirkless can do many things, and help many people!

But he was interrupt when the bush suddenly move and heard a cry from animal? Out of curiosity he check it and see a multiple tiger and bear was fighting! but they stop at the same time he move the bush before looking at him, as the group of two animal slowly walk to him and start to attacking him, he tried to run and call for help but ending up pinning in the ground as he see one tiger almost, ALMOST bite his neck.

Izuku(thought): S-so t-this i-is t-the w-way I-i'm g-gonna d-die? Man all my hard work go for nothing.

As he start to remember the way his parents look at him, his bully, and the fake hero that even how many time he ask for help, He didn't even notice his body started to releasing a white and blue aura around him and unconsciously stood up and kick them away.

As he start to remember the way his parents look at him, his bully, and the fake hero that even how many time he ask for help, He didn't even notice his body started to releasing a white and blue aura around him and unconsciously stood up and kick...

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Izuku(thought): W-what? H-how? M-my b-body w-was m-moving o-on his own!? Is this my quirk?

The tigers and bears dash to him again, but he just unconsciously beating them up, until a humanoid creature with silver skin and golden armor appeared behind him, he notice that everything stop. . . . . Shock him more is, when the humanoid thing fight along side of him.

Humanoid creature: Muda.......... muda muda muda muda muda muda muda muda muda muda muda muda muda muda muda muda muda muda muda muda!!!

 muda muda muda muda muda muda muda muda muda muda muda muda muda muda muda muda muda muda muda muda!!!

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After beating their enemy he fall on his back and look at the humanoid creature.

Izuku: A-are y-you p-p-part o-of m-my p-power?

The humanoid creature nod.

Izuku: W-what's y-your n-name? D-do y-you have one?

The humanoid shake his head.

Izuku: I see...... For now on i will call you The World.

The world nod.

Izuku(thought): I wish i can heal my body to scream for help. But in reality no one will help me fucking fake heroes!

Then he glance his humanoid "power" and see the world forming a wormhole on it's hand, as he touch izuku rewriting the reality and completely erasing his wounds and injury from existence.

Izuku(star on his eyes): Woaahh is this your quirk?

The world shake his head.

Izuku: Power?

The world nod.

Izuku: Woah so cool!

Flashback end.

That day he start to train harder and harder to master his ability but he can't still control the ultra instinct due to having a small body until a one incident happened that triggered his third power to awaken.


It's been 1 year since he awaken his power and quirk he start to train secretly but izuku was having a bad? or good day? Because there's a construction sight that looking for workers, he made a decision to fake his age and work there (He was tall) a few months have pass a dungeon start appearing on that place and a one giant orc accidentally enter the human realm and start attacking every people he see, accidentally slamming his axe to the giant metal causing it to fall on where izuku is standing, cutting his both foot.

The next day he wake up on his mind scape and a screen pop out in front of him.

[Congratulations you awake your another power]

Izuku: Huh? A-another power?

[Do you want to use it and become a player?]

Izuku: P-player?

[Warning!: If you didn't accept there's a consequences every month until you accept it]

Izuku: I declined for now.

[Are you sure?]

Izuku: Yes.

The screen fade away and izuku wake up to the hospital and see his foot was not cut off and after a few weeks he was discharge at the hospital and continue his work.

Until a month have pass he. . . was peacefully sleeping on apartment where he was staying at. On the peaceful night he woke up in, not familiar location and realized he was in desert?

Izuku: W-what w-where? W-where??? I-i a-am????

[The punishment will start in 5 seconds]

Izuku: H-huh p-punishment?

Before he can move a three gigantic centipede appeared behind him, as he tried to power up and summon the world which didn't come out because the world know this is for izuku own, to become stronger, He run and run until he remember the power he awake and the punishment every month.

Izuku(thought): I-is t-this t-the p-punishment? T-that m-m-means this will continue every month????!!!!

Izuku: O-oh A-a-alright I-i a-accept I-i d-don't w-want t-to die here!!!

[The punishment will end in 2hours you need to survive first]

Izuku(thought): What? I don't have any choice but to run!!!!! But really? Is there a good way to awake my power???? First i almost die from tiger and bear!!! Now a three giant centipede was chasing me!!!!!


He was teleport on his bed again sweating bullets covered by sand and breathing hard as the screen pop out in front of him again.

[Daily quest] - Preparing to become the strongest.

[Incomplete] - Push-ups [0/100]

[Incomplete] - Curl-ups [0/100]

[Incomplete] - Sit - ups [0/100]

[Incomplete] - Squats [0/100]

[In complete] - Running [0/10km]

[Warning] - Failing to complete this daily quest will bring a punishment associated with this quest.

[You need to start this at 5hours]

Izuku: Really? Wait how I'm not exhausted???? Is this part of my power?
Yo it's me again thanks for reading my stories even I'm not good at english byeeee👋

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