"Get up mutt we're leaving." A growl wakes me.
I try to move but everything hurts. Grandfather grabs my arm dragging me out of the room I can now see is the royal pack infirmary.
"Usless pup... can't even persuade a pampered princess... unworthy of the Alpha..." he grumbles pulling me along.
"Hey, stop there! He's not ready to leave." I hear someone yell and see a doctor running after us.
"Leave us." Grandfather growls.
"I don't care who you are. When it comes to my patients I have final say so put that boy back in bed so he can heal properly." The doc says and I suck in a breath. Oh no.
"You don't care who I am? Well then let me show you!" Grandfather growls throwing me against the wall before grabbing the doctor by his throat.
"Let him go Ronald!" A voice booms and he drops the doc.
"We were just leaving my king. Considering our deal fell through I need to find the boy a new mate." Grandfather says pulling me up from the ground roughly making me flinch and gasp for breath... two broken ribs I think? That guy was a monster.
"Come here Bane." The king says and I look between him and my grandfather. "Release him Ronald." Grandfather growls but pushes me toward the king who takes my arm much more gently before looking me over. He uses his hand that isn't holding me up to grab my chin and move my head so he can examine my heavily beaten face. "You okay pup? I don't think you should be up and about just yet."
"I'm fine, Alpha Alic... I've had worse." I tell him and he sighs.
"Stay the night at least. If the doc says you should be in bed than you should." He says and I glance at my grandfather before shaking my head.
"No sir I can't. It was part of the deal. She found her mate I need to be gone before tomorrow." I tell him and he sighs.
"I won't fight you... thank you for respecting my girl. The peace treaty offer stands. You have friends here, Bane. Take care of yourself boy." He tells me before glaring at my grandfather. "Your power ends in two weeks... make the most of it." He growls and I gulp. Even when he is on your side the king can be scary.
"Don't worry... I plan to." Grandfather responds before pushing past us heading to the car.
"Come on pup. I'll walk you out." The king says as he follows the angry man. "If he lays a finger on you I'm only a phone call away." I chuckle at that.
"I think you have more important things to deal with considering the lunatic that attacked me... he the one you captured in California?" I ask.
"Sure is... poor pup can't even remember being a wolf. His head is so messed up... I hope I can help him." He says. Hu? I thought he was mad but I guess he is just hurting. Funny how the two look so similar.
"If anyone can it's you. Thank you for all your help. I owe you more than you know." I tell him.
"Just take care of yourself Bane. You are a good man." Is the last thing he says before I am in the car and my grandfather is speeding away.
"This isn't the way to the airport." I say as we make a wrong turn.
"Well we weren't planning to leave so soon. We'll be home in a couple days so shut up and sleep. I need you to at least look competent when we get home and right now you look like a turd. We could use the extra time for you to heal." Grandfather tells me and I take my chance to sleep glad to not have to deal with him.
"Wake up!" I hear a growl as I am pulled out of the car falling into the fresh snow. There's no place like home.
"How long was I out?" I ask.
"36 hours. You are nearly healed. I've made my decision." He answers as I brush off the white crystals that cover my hoodie.
"And what would that be?" I ask just wanting to get the rest of the way home
"Well I'd considered mating you to an Alpha's daughter I know in Scotland. They train the women right over there but then I thought why bother? You aren't worth the trouble. With you out of the picture I can just stay Alpha." He says and I back away.
"You can't do that. I will automatically become Alpha when I turn 20. You will have now power in the pack. They will be able to tell. You can't even issue an Alpha command since you gave the pack over to my father. What makes you think they will follow you?" I try to talk some sense into him.
"Blood speaks my boy. I will be the last of the Alpha line as long as you don't reach your 20th the title is mine." He answers pulling out a gun. "Goodbye, Bane."
The shot rings in my ears as I clutch my stomach. I fall backwards gasping for breath as he points the gun at my head.
"Hummm... No I don't think you are worth the second bullet. Silver isn't cheap. You can die like an Ice Winter Warrior, buried in the snow. It's the least I can do for my own flesh and blood. Die well grandson." He says before stepping on my wounded stomach on his way to the car.
I watch as the vehicle turns into a dot and the white snow around me turns red. I guess I will get to meet my mate sooner than I thought.

The Ice Alpha
WerewolfHe knows his mate is dead. He never met her but he knows. No wolf wants to be without their mate but young Alpha Bane has lost his before he could even see her. In an effort to find himself a Luna he begins to court the Alpha King's daughter. How wi...