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Why didn't he want me

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Why didn't he want me

Eighteen Years Ago

Thena Salvatore was grasping the fact that her boyfriend was causing mayhem having them end up in an ultimate argument. She hadn't left her room because she didn't want to deal with him nor her siblings.

Thena wasn't one for picking sides, and causing a rivalry between the four of them.
She loved her siblings more than anything, and she loved him believing he loved her.

she thought.

Thena always wanted kids, but she can't having her fertility problems. She couldn't understand why her? At some point she despised about having kids, but as the years went on she wanted to carry a child, and go through all the things mothers did. however, she had to accept that she can't.

She despised her body.

Thena decided to head over the Mikaelson Mansion so she could talk with Klaus, and hopefully the temper tantrum stops, and they come to terms because that's what a healthy relationship looks like.



Thena arrived to the Mikaelson Mansion fidgeting with her fingers hoping his temper at least cooled off so they can communicate, and fix their relationship.

She knocked on the door waiting for it to be open, and to her surprise Rebekah opened the door glancing at Thena with wide eyes as if she seen a ghost.

Rebekah gulped, "Thena what are you doing here isn't it late?" Rebekah questioned Thena as her body tensed up.

"I came to speak to nik we had an argument, and I just need to see him." Thena said softly.

"He's currently busy, and wish to not see you." Rebekah said not allowing Thena to enter.

Thena clenched her fists, "Move Rebekah this doesn't concern you." Thena said using her powers to snap rebekahs neck entering the house.

The house was extremely quiet for a quick minute until she heard thumping coming from upstairs, and Thena decided to follow where the noise was coming from.

The closer she headed to the direction of the noice it was clear that it wasn't things being dropped, but the sound of people having sex.

Thena opened the door, and had a clear view of her so called boyfriend in missionary position with Hayley Marshall a werewolf he promised to protect. Thena didn't even realize she had tears rolling down her eyes, and clenching her fists as they finished.

Thena starting applauding them having the two glance her direction with wide eyes.

"Isn't this lovely?" Thena said clenching her jaw, "We get into one argument Niklaus, and you just let your dick enter anyone's vagina?" Thena taunted.

Klaus gulps in fear, "Thena it didn't mean anything I swear." He tries to make up for this incident.

Thena laughs out loud wow apologizing how pathetic.

"Just like our relationship it didn't mean anything?" Thena said, " Enjoy my leftover sweetheart, and hopefully you are on birth control." Thena said leaving the room letting her tears fall.

"I don't ever wish to speak with you or your brother Rebekah. You protected him allowing him to cheat on me, and yet I've defended you from him countless times and from all your past lovers. A shame you didn't do so for me." Thena said punching Rebekah leaving the mansion.


Thena spent her night in the mystic grill downing her fifth bourbon, and surprised she hadn't knocked out from all the liquor.

Her thoughts got interrupted by someone sitting across from her.

"If it isn't Mr. Noble Elijah Mikaelson who sent you to interrupt my sorrows?" Thena said.

"Stefan called he was worried about you, and let me know what happened. I'm truly sorry for my brothers actions, and my sister allowing it." Elijah said grabbing her hand, "Elijah stop apologizing for them you aren't at fault. I mean you weren't the one who cheated on me or the one protecting the cheater." Thena said downing the water Elijah made her drink.

The two left mystic grill walking around town so she can clear her head.


Elijah arrived to the Salvatore House carrying a sleeping Thena laying her on the couch to where her brother then picked her up so she can sleep peacefully in her own room.

Damon glanced at elijah, "Your brother is a dick who broke my sisters heart." Damon spat, "That you got right Damon." Elijah said.

"Thena is going to be struggling for awhile, and she made me promise her to find a spell so she can resurrect my brothers. " Elijah said before speaking again, "I'll be calling her to check up on her, and do so watch over your sister because she needs the both of you. I don't care what the doppelgänger has going on your sister needs you. Do I have your word that your sisters needs go first." Elijah said worrying about the girl.

"You have our word, and once you find the spell let us know so she can prepare, and we can have the guest rooms ready." Stefan said glancing at Elijah who nods before leaving.

"Thank you for making sure she didn't do anything Thena like even if she isn't a vampire she would've ripped hearts out with her magic." Damon said

Elijah chuckles, "Thena is the most extraordinary girl, and far the bravest. She doesn't need a man to depend on, and although this heartbreak will hurt her. She will later on find her knight in shining armor. Now excuse me so I can find a spell to resurrect my brothers." Elijah said closing the door.

Damon sighed he felt terrible about what happened to his little sister, and hopefully she can recover. Damon and Stefan decided to spend the night in their sisters room so she wouldn't feel alone.

"I love you baby sister." Damon said, "I love you Thena you're the best twin sister ever don't ever forget that." Stefan said as they both drifted off to sleep by her side.

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