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There they stood. Together.

She was wearing a cute, little, white pleated skirt, pastel pink tank top, chunky pink fashion trainers that matched her top, and pretty white bows in her silky black hair. It was almost like she wanted to look nice for the occasion.

He, however, wore a green jacket, that looked like it had been worn a lot, blue denim jeans and brand new white nike air forces. His fluffy brown hair fell over his eyes, which had large, purple/black circles around them.

They looked at eachother. Right in the eye. They held contact for a few moments before she turned her head away from him and looked down. He stayed looking at her, admiring her, before he remembered what they were there for. He realised what she was about to do and his eyes widened.

She glanced back at him as if she was saying 'go on then, you go first.' But he didn't, so she did.

She jumped.

Falling. It looked so peaceful. Like you know that this is your last moment; the last thing you'll see. You know that you don't have to worry anymore. All the pain and suffering will be gone - forever.

She seemed happy as she fell. As if she knew this.

Her body hit the crashing Hudson River waters.

Well, there you have it. She did it.

When the boy had finally processed what the girl had done thoughts filled his mind. Why? Why did she do it? Her reason was probably way more worse than his. Why not him? Why didn't he stop her? Should he get help? But he couldn't. He couldn't move... he was frozen, stuck to the ground. He tried to run away, but he couldn't. Then he tried to jump, like the girl did. I mean he saw her do it, it wasn't difficult, all you have to do it lift two feet off the ground, but he couldnt. No luck. How lame. What a failure. He can't even kill himself right.

"Pathetic," he called himself.

344 words

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