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Freedom is all i crave.

I want to be free. Out: let free.

The only thing i want is the only thing not being offered to me.

Summer is my favourite season as it's a season of freedom. Especially if someone's in the summer of their life, it means they're at the part of their life where they're the most free. I love summer. I love its warm rays that are soft to touch and look like magnifying glass displaying the small specs of dust that dance their way around me. I love the worry-free days of no double-layers, no coats and gloves, no warm fuzzy hats — just thin caps to guard me from the sun — and no work! I love the whispering of the AC and not the growling of the radiators. I love summer!

It's summer right now, but not the summer of my life; I'm still in spring, just summer as in summer. The season where I'm free... or supposed to be free— perhaps it will be the season where I become free. So I'm going to set out to be free.

It's a Thursday, late in the morning. I got on the subway from the station nearest to my house. From there I headed straight for Manhatten Bridge. It's quite a trek from the nearest station to the middle of the bridge: it really puts into perspective how wide the Hudson is.

Although Manhatten Bridge isn't my favourite bridge in NYC, I still think it's pretty; especially when I'm looking at it from DUMBO. Anyway... the reason I chose Manhatten Bridge to be at instead of my favourite bridge is because I have the perfect view of my favourite bridge from Manhatten Bridge: Brooklyn Bridge. I can look at something I love whilst becoming free now.

From where I'm standing, there's two clouds that look broken off, as if they're eachother's half, but some of the puffs on the outside of the cloud don't fit right; it's as if they're free from their trouble. I can also see the Statue of Liberty far in the distance: a symbol of freedom. Everything was prodding me to do it, slowly nudging me towards the lapping waves of the brown Hudson beneath me.

I inhaled deeply and closed my eyes, bringing my arms out beside me so that I was standing like the Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio De Janeiro. I have no clue as to why I did that but I guess I felt more free, or more spiritually connected to earth that way, anyways, it's something along the lines of that crap.

I had started to lean forwards until the weight of the upper half of my body overtook the bottom half and I could not balance anymore.

Time went slow as I was falling. It felt peaceful... like it wasn't even a problem that a teenager had just jumped off a bridge in hopes of a better life in the afterlife — if that's even a thing.

My body hit the water and it felt as though a thousand hands had just slapped my bare skin as hard as possible. My lungs felt echoey and short of breath. My eyes remained open in the water until I couldn't see anything anymore. It went black: the world went black.

I guess my body was being tumbled through the waves of the hudson but I couldn't feel anything — after all... I am dead... well, now I am I guess.

583 words

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