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The sun shone in through the room's thin curtains, blinding my sensitive eyes and stirring me out of my slumber. My head was throbbing, and it took all my strength just to drag my feet over the side of the bed and onto the floor. Through squinted eyes I glanced over to the nightstand where a hand-written note and bottle of pills laid in wait.

Feel better - JK

I grumbled and choked down the hangover pills with a bottle of water. For the first time I fully opened my eyes and realized I was not in my own room. The walls were bright and colorful, covered in quirky art and décor. This must be Hoseok's. Just how drunk did I get.

I groaned and buried my face in my hands as I slammed back down on the bed. My head landed on a squishy, soft surface, and my eyes widened in shock. I immediately sat back up and pulled the covers back. Mina was entangled in the blankets, looking worse for wear. I let out a deep sigh of relief when I realized it was just her that had been laying next to me.

"Mina, wake up," I said shaking her awake.

She moaned out incomprehensible babble and dug her face deeper into the mattress.

"MINA! You are in Jung Hoseok's bed!" I yelled out, continuing to jiggle her.

She shot up out of bed and widened her eyes at me, slowly taking in her surroundings. Her mouth was agape, and a look of terror crept up on her face.

"No...nope. I'm dreaming," she cried out in discomfort.

I left her to wallow in her embarrassment and opened the door to the room, on the hunt to find a bathroom to tidy myself up. Thankfully, it looked like nobody else was home. I rushed over to the bathroom to wash my face and do something about my tangled mess of hair. Mina joined me a few moments later, nearly dying when she took a glance at herself in the mirror.

"Y/N, we have to escape," she said grabbing my shoulders with a grimace.

"Yes, I am one hundred percent on board with that plan," I said nodding furiously.

We hurriedly grabbed our bags and rushed towards the front door. Mina motioned me to lead the way. I opened the door painfully slow and tried to poke my head out to examine the hallway. It looked clear to me. Now or never.

At the elevator doors, Mina slammed her finger onto the call button many more times than necessary. "Oh, come on," she groaned. I thought I might be sick from nerves.

By some stroke of much needed good luck, nobody was inside the elevator when doors popped open. Mina and I jumped inside, and she again poked the button endlessly until the doors closed and we could breathe out a sigh of relief.

When we reached our room and were safely inside, Mina flung her body down onto her bed. "I am going to pretend that didn't happen," she started. "I am going back to bed, and we will never speak of this again," she said waving her finger at me before burrowing into her pillows.

I, too, laid down in my bed and tried to recall the events of the night before. I could remember playing games, some very questionable sounding karaoke, and eventually being tucked into bed despite my drunken protest. I praised myself for at least not doing anything too embaressing given my state. From what I could remember, the boys were also quite a bit drunk, though they held their liquor much better. Maybe by some chance they would just forget the night.

Despite having to awkwardly sneak back down to the dorm this morning, I could still look back on the night fondly. Spending time with Jungkook was enjoyable and I felt like we had grown closer, ever so slightly. I pressed my hand to my lips and closed my eyes, remembering the warm feeling of having Jungkook's hand intertwined with mine. I caught myself and shook off the tingling sensation in the pit of my stomach. This wasn't serious- it was just a surface level infatuation.

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