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"Come on, let me hear just a little tiny bit," Jungkook pouted, giving his best puppy eyes to convince me.

"Not a chance," I replied sternly, my head still buried in my work. Jungkook was keeping me company in the studio, and currently trying to get a sneak peek at my song, but to no avail. "I don't intend to break any rules either- this challenge called for no mentorship." I didn't need to give the already cautious producers a reason to look my way.

Jungkook creeped up behind me, resting his chin on my shoulder. I wiggled under his touch, knowing his true motive was to catch a glimpse at my notebook. He spun me around in my chair to face him. "I'm not here as your mentor," he pleaded. "I am just curious...I promise I won't give you any advice or make any corrections." He placed a quick peck on my lips to seal the deal.

"You're impossible," I caved, turning my chair back around and pulling up my track on the computer. "You can have a SMALL preview, but yes, absolutely no advice." The music began to play, and I sang along with the lyrics that I had completed so far for the chorus portion of the song.

(A/N: Song credit is 'Love Like This' by Jessica Andrea)

Laying in my bed, always thinkin' about it

Don't believe in heaven but I think I just found it

You say my name, that's the best that it sounded

I never knew I could love like this

Didn't mean to fall, but baby, it happened

You kissed my lips and it tasted just like magic

"Can I at least say it sounded amazing?" Jungkook bit his bottom lip, holding back a beaming smile.

I rolled my eyes and nodded, internally dying from his adorableness. "Yes, I suppose that much is allowed."

"So new love..." he mumbled, looking off in various directions before landing his eyes on me. "What's your inspiration- a past relationship or something?" Yikes. I was hoping to avoid this.

I bit down hard at the side of my cheek in an attempt to stop the blush from creeping up to my face. "Oh, uhm, yeah that's pretty much it," I chuckled anxiously. Not quite a lie- a white lie at best. It's not like I had never experienced a 'new love' before in my life, it's just not exactly what I was thinking of when I composted the song. There was something more...relevant, that was at the forefront of my mind over the last few days. That something was not a something I had any intention of disclosing at the current moment.

"I see..." Jungkook replied lowly, a disappointed smile appearing on his face. "I get that, yup."

"I'm kind of improvising a bit too, you know," I blurted out, seeing his reaction. My heart tensed up with guilt. "Obviously, nothing has ever worked out even a little so what do I know about love anyways," I quickly added, raising my shoulders in a shrug.

"Have you been in love many times?" Jungkook asked curiously.

"Well, no, once was enough," I sighed, looking down at my feet as I recalled my past. "I try to avoid it now, to be honest- it's just easier that way." When I glanced back up to Jungkook, he was gazing at me with a pained expression.

"I'm sorry you were hurt in the past," Jungkook said, taking my hand in his. "If you're comfortable with it, you can talk to me about it."

It wasn't a story I liked to tell- my first love. He had taken so much from me already- I didn't like wasting my breath speaking about him. Despite this, if there was anyone who I trusted to share this with- it was Jungkook. If this was going to work, he should know, anyways. My past. My insecurities.

"My first love was an aspiring musician," I started, quietly. "He, um, used me to write a bunch of music for him which he ended up stealing from me so that he didn't have to credit me." I looked down at our hands, still intertwined. "So, everything was a lie for personal gain," I spoke, bitterly.

Jungkook rubbed his thumb along the top of my hand, comforting me with his touch. "I'm sorry, Y/N...that's awful."

I nodded my head and let out a small laugh, trying to lighten the mood. "Yup, sure was!"

Jungkook gave me a weak smile in response. "You don't have to put on a brave face for me, Y/N." He stood, offering me a hand up. I rose to my feet, and he pulled me into a gentle embrace. "I want to know all of you."

This feeling of comfort in his arms was dangerously addicting. Somehow, his touch had a way of melting away all my fears and uncertainty. I didn't want to trust anyone enough to love again, especially someone in the music industry- that was almost begging history to repeat itself. But Jungkook- he made it feel like a risk worth taking. If I could keep this feeling close, even only for a little while, it would be worth it. I just couldn't tell him what I was truly feeling. Not right now.

"What do you say we take a small break?" Jungkook offered, breaking the hug but keeping his arms wrapped around my waist.

"What did you have in mind?"

"Let's escape!" he smiled mischievously. "I think you could use a breath of fresh air." I had to admit- that sounded absolutely perfect right about now, but I was also nervous about wandering around outside with anyone ever again after the whole Jimin incident.

"I see the look on your face, Y/N," Jungkook chuckled. "We aren't going to get caught, I'm a professional at this, I escape all the time without even my hyungs knowing."

I pursed my lips, thinking about whether I wanted to give in to him for the second time today. "...Fine," I gave my reply reluctantly.

"Follow me, my princess."

Luckily, I had been working so long in the studio, it was already dark out. With the cover of night, we stood a better chance at going unnoticed. I hoped he wasn't taking a chance on taking us anywhere too crowded. "Where exactly are we going, Jungkook?"

"You'll see, you'll see," he waved off my question, leading me through streets behind our building. This wasn't the route to our usual meeting spot, the café, so that option was eliminated.

"Can you make it up?" Jungkook looked back at me from in front of a tall stone-bricked wall. "I'll go up first, so just take my hand." He easily climbed the bricks and sat himself down at the top, legs dangling over the front of the wall.

I followed his suit, taking my time to reach the top until his hand was within reach. As I went to take my next step, the edge of the brick I was stepping on wiggled loose and I lost my balance. I braced myself for the fall as much as possible but landed hard on my right leg. I felt a sharp pain shoot up through my ankle and instantly dropped to my butt.

"Y/N!" Jungkook yelled down, wasting no time climbing down after me. "Are you okay?" he questioned in a panic, dropping down to his knees to examine me. His face was stark white, painted with worry.

"Yes, I'm fine," I smiled cheerfully, trying to hide the pain. "Maybe we should just call it a night, though, just in case this is a sign of our bad luck." My ankle was throbbing, but I couldn't let him know that. He would blame himself. What was another white lie?

"Okay, l think so too," he replied with a soft smile, the color returning to his face. "I'm so glad you're okay- don't worry me like that," he murmured, placing a kiss on my forehead.

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