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-TWs; Discomfort at beginning, Smvt. *gasp*

Songs I reccomend listening to; Melanie Martenaz [hits different to me idk], maneater, buttons slowed, anything you listen to for smut rlly

Bit of funnys but only like a crumb

It had been one of those nights. Dream and George got so caught up in each other they pretty much forgot about Sapnap. Or atleast so he thought. But that comes later in the story. Let me give you abit of a backstory, context if you will. :)

The DreamTeam had been in the living room speaking about random things, but Sapnap kept noticing George giving Dream this look. Not threatening, sad, or scared. But flirtious. The only problem Sapnap had with it was,,

Dream never gave it back. For whatever odd reason, his attention was else where. Anywhere but his boyfriend.

But that's beside the point. Slightly.

George started kissing Dream all over despite Dream's signs of discomfort.

Despite being concerned for Dream, Sapnap left to his room, unlucky for him, George had the same plan. Only problem with that is, He and Dream's room was right next to Sapnap's. Though, he had music such as, Maneater, Melania Martenez and Mother Mother playing in his headphones reading some sorta online story of him and Dream. For whatever reason, it made Sapnap feel loved. He himself didn't know why. He tried reading stories of him and other people, but it'd just feel like a normal fanfiction, he didn't feel anything about it unless it was Dream.

When an ad played he took off his headphones, sighing before doing so, yet, nothing. No sound of Dream and George doing anything but a door shutting. Sooner or later Dream came in.

'Dre- Dream-,,?' Sapnap immediately shut off his phone putting it down.

'P-pandas.' Dream mimicked walking over to him
'What'cha doin'?' Dream asked sounding as calm as ever.

'Okay one, why do you sound so calm? Two, I was reading..' Sapnap replied.

'One, me and George broke up for pretty obvious reasons. Two, what are you reading?' Dream asked smiling sitting on Sapnap's bed with him tilting his head to the side, like a puzzled dog.

'Uh- uhm- f-fanfiction..' Sapnap answered looking away blushing, technically he wasn't wrong but ofcourse, it wasn't the answer Dream wanted.

So instead, Dream went on Sapnap's phone, immediately turning red.

'You- you read- fanfics of us-?' Dream asked looking at Sapnap directly in his eyes, he wasn't disgusted, if anything he was flustered. Sapnap just slowly nodded.

'If you wanted me to do these things you could've just asked' Dream teased.

'I mean only if you're okay with it...' Sapnap replied.

'Don't mind if I do~' Dream said sliding Sapnap down so he was laying, attacking his neck. [Biting]

'Hah~ Dre- Dream~' Sapnap moaned

'So senstive~' Dream commented to which Sapnap just whimpered in response.

Dream slowly moved down to Sapnap's chest.

'Off.' Dream demanded pointing to the shirt, without any hesitation Sapnap took it off.

'Good boy' Dream praised.

But suddenly,


They both turned to the door, and none other than George was there.

(Bum bum bummmmmm, plot twist.)

'I- uh- I think I'm interupting something-..' George said slowly walking back out.

'Now, where were we?' Dream asked saracastically.

Sapnap sat up on his knees to get face to face with Dream and kissed him, they stayed like that for a couple seconds before Sapnap got pushed back on the bed.

'Your so fuckin' pretty.' Dream complemented kissing Sapnap all over.

Sapnap let out a sharp breathe, sliding his hand in Dream's hair.

'Permission to move further?' Dream asked stopping at the shorters v-line.

'Yes, fuck yes.' Sapnap answered looking Dream in the eyes.

Dream simply snickered and continued, pulling down Sapnap's pants just to the hem of his boxers slowly .

'You're such a fucking tease,,' Sapnap said jokingly, turning away.

Dream immediately pushed his knee on Sapnap's crotch(?).

'fUck-' Sapnap moaned out arching his back. 'Okay okay I take it back~!' Sapnap said gripping the bed sheets slightly.

'Good boy,' Dream praised, pulling Sapnap's pants the rest of the way off.

'Safe word baby?' Dream asked palming Sapnap.

'Green- green mask' Sapnap replied between heavy breathes.

Dream nodded and pulled down Sapnap's boxers, getting a small gasp in response.

'And you're sure you're okay with this?' Dream asked, he wanted to be sure Sapnap was okay before doing anything Sapnap wasn't okay with.

'Y-yes, please Dream' Sapnap answered.

'Okay, I'm just making sure you're alright' Dream said gainging a nod and a smile.

He slowly took Sapnap's c0ck in his mouth and began bobbing up and down.

'Ha~ D-Dream~!' Sapnap moaned out grabbing the brounettes hair lightly. (No it's not George it turns out Dream's brunette--)

Cliffhanger cause I don't really know what to do with it rn--
But I hope you enjoyed-

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