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~ The Beginning of Spring Break ~ • Jeon Jungkook •Chapter 6

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~ The Beginning of Spring Break ~
• Jeon Jungkook •
Chapter 6


• Jeon JungKook •

"Why aren't you in class?" Eunwoo asked as I walked into the apartment wearing the same clothes as yesterday, and my body reeked of Y/n. Even if they couldn't tell, I could.

"I couldn't get enough energy to go to class." I responded as I moved his legs for me to sit on the couch.

He let out a little laugh as I sat down and relaxed my body back "The sex was good i'm guessing?"

"It was beyond good." I kept my eyes closed, basically dreaming about Y/n "Fucking Y/n felt like being addicted to drugs. No matter how many times I finished, I wanted more and more."

Taehyung and Jimin had now entered the living room, in need for details. Jimin glaced at his phone, then glancing up happily "Well" He smiled even brighter towards me "Y/n just invited everyone to her family home for spring break"

"Well she didn't give much of a heads up" Eunwoo glanced down at his phone "Break starts tomorrow."

Taehyung jumps up, heading for his room "Well, better start packing."


• Y/n •

"So your family is really cool with all of us staying?" Yuna asked as she slowly started to pack everything into her suitcase.

I nodded, placing my clothes into my suitcase "Perfectly fine."

Spring break, any break really I dispise. Everyone goes home to their families, enjoying the holidays or such. No one here knows the truth about my family. About the tragedy that took place during summer. Everyone thinks my parents are alive and healthy and that is the way I plan on keeping it.

The moment people hear about it they attempt to comfort me, saying how they understand or that the pain will eventually go away or instead it goes silently.

After class on friday everyone met up at our apartment, smiles beeming on everyone face as they load their baggage into the cars, most going into Jungkook vehicle, the rest into Jimin's and Taehyung's.

"So who's riding with who?" I asked.

Everyone started to look around, all to shy to admit who they want to ride with. "flip a coin?" Jennie awkwardly laughed to break the even more awkward silence.

"Y/n riding with me" Jungkook spoke, his body leaned against his car and his fingers texting away on his phone.

Quickly after the boys started confessing who they all wanted to ride with. Jimin rode with Yuna while Jennie rode with Taehyung and Eunwoo. We decided that Taehyung and Jennie would get alcohol, Jimin and Yuna would get groceries and me and jungkook had most the luggage so we would go straight to the house.

The car ride was about 5-6 hours, giving me and Jungkook plenty of time to talk.

Everyone drove off on their own times. The music was blaring, his eyes only on the road while mine focused out the window. An hour or two passed of just straight music, straight driving. I wished I had drove instead of riding with Jungkook, I have to use the bathroom so bad but am to afraid to ask.

"Y/n!" Yuna shouted as I picked up her phone call.

"Yeah?" I responded

"Bad news" She sounded like she had just got done crying "Jimin's car broke down, Jennie and them are on heading to us now. We'll probably stay in a hotel tonight and continue the drive tomorrow."

I rolled my eyes and glanced at Jungkook "Are you being for real?"

"Don't worry girl. It'll only be for a night." She could feel my frustration through the phone.

"Okay. Be safe"

I hung up and placed my phone down in my lap. "So it's just gonna be us?" He said before I could even said what had happened.

"Yeah. Jimin's car broke down" I could hear the fear in my voice. A night in a big house, just us. "Stop and get food before we arrive" I changed the subject.


Once we arrived at my family home near the lake. I checked all the rooms, seeing if everything was clean while Jungkook began to place the luggage we had in the rooms I had already cleared.

The Lake house was the only property of my parents I didn't sell. It was the one place filled with only happy memories and pictures. Plus, they always said this town was where they wants to be buried so that's what I did.

"Well princess isn't this a nice house" Jungkook said as he walked down the stairs. "Let's get in the pool." He pulled off his shirt.

I stood in the kitchen frozen. "Why would we -"

"Do you know why I couldn't look at you in the car ride Y/n" He cut me off as walked closer to me until he was directly behind me. He moved the side of my hair, his lips connect to my neck "I knew I wouldn't have been able to stop myself" His tongue runs up my neck to a small nibble on my ear.

My legs grew weak. My mind getting lost in the sound of his voice so close. "Stop yourself from what?" I wanted to hear him say it.

"Want me to show you" His fingers teased the skin where my skirt began. "We have this whole place to ourselves." He started sucking on my neck, my head leaning on to the side

I turn around to face him, his hands nows under my skirt, circling my clit. I grabbed him by the neck and connected our lips. Jungkook instantly lifted me up to sit on the counter. My hands run down his body, lining his abs.

My shirt ends up on the counter, my bra next to go. Our mouths acted as if they'd die if they sepreated. Jungkook grabbed my hips and pulled my waist closer to his, rubbing his erection against my thin underwear

"You're going to be the death of me" He said between kisses.

You to Jungkook. You'll be the death of me.

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