If the uppermoons had a gc

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Spoilers for the manga in regard to the uppermoons and a few of there ideals continue at your own risk

Muzan - Michel Jackson

Kokushibo - Disappointed brother

Douma - Spoilt Child no.1

Akaza - Respect women juice

Daki - Spoilt Child no. 2

Gyuutaro - Doctor's worst nightmare

Kaigaku - Power Hungry(Yes I know he isn't a uppermoon yet buut this is my fic)

Nakime - Where are you

Nakime - Where are you

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Spoilt child no.1 are online

Spoilt child no.1: Muzan-samaaaaaa

Michel Jackson and Respect women juice are online

Michel Jackson: What now?

Spoilt child no.1: Akaza insulted my human preferences

Respect women juice: That is bc you insulted the fact in won't eat women

Spoilt child no.1: Well that's just my opinion

Respect women juice: .....


Disappointed brother are online

Disappointed brother: Again?

Spoilt child no.1: I DID NOT!

Michel Jackson : Sadly Yes

Respect women juice: YES YOU DID

Disappointed brother: Where are they now?

Spoilt child no.1: DID NOT

Respect women juice: DID

Spoilt child no.1: DID NOT

Michel Jackson: Somewhere in the infinity fortress. @Where are you knows exactly where

Where are you are online

Where are you: They are in Daki's room. Think they were playing some game


Respect women juice: NO HE SHOULD KILL YOU!

Michel Jackson: I'm not killing anyone. And thanks Nakime

Spoilt child no.2 and Doctor's worst nightmare are online

Where are you: You're welcome Muzan-sama

Where are you went offline

Doctor's worst nightmare: Sorry Muzan-sama we were playing monopoly and things got a bit out of hand with the two of them

Michel Jackson: Of course they did. What else can one expect when the 2 of them are in the same room

Spoilt child no.2: Can you come stop them? They won't listen to me

Michel Jaclson: I am eating. Kokushibo, can you calm them down?

Disappointed brother: Yes of course, Muzan-sama. And Daki is Kaigaku there too?

Doctor's worst nightmare: Yes..... You should see his expression. He is scared shitless by the two of the bc rn they are throwing shit around or clawing at each other

Spoilty child no.2: Muzan-sama may we add him to the gc? Maybe he will realize this is a normal occurrence and meet all the uppermoons.

Michel Jcaklson: Add him. I want to see his reaction

Spoilt child no.2 added Kaigaku

Spoilt child no.2 changed Kaigaku to Power hungry

Doctor's worst nightmare: Welcome to the uppermoon gc

Power hungry: Hello...?

Disappointed brother: Hello. And also the uppermoons are more childish than you'd think *cough* Daki, Gyutaro, Douma * cough*

Doctor's worst nightmare: I AM NOT CHILDISH

Spoilt child no.1 : I AM NOT CHILDISH

Spoilt child no.2: I AM NOT CHILDISH

Michel Jackson: Yes you are... Yesterday y'all threw a hissy fit because the meeting was canceled

Power hungry: Good afternoon sir.

Michel Jackson: Muzan-sama is fine and Kokushibo are you there yet? I feel like they will ACTUALLY kill each other soon

Power hungry: Yes Muzan-sama

Disappointed brother: Yes I am close. And i can already hear them

Power hungry: May I ask a question?

Disappointed brother: Text normally and if it's about the idiots, yes it is normal for these fight to happen like every other day

Power hungry: ah ok

Michel Jackson: Now get off your phones and do something else I wanna eat

All- Dauma and Akaza who are busy fighting to notice the message: Ok/Ok Muzan-sama

Michel Jackson, Disappointed brother, Power hungry, Doctor's worst nightmare and Spoilty child no.2 are offline

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