Sunday, May 6th, 2018

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I woke up this morning and Granny asked me to show her all the outfits I had picked out for church. We had to dress nice because mom said so. So I took all of my skirts, leggings, tights, and headbands with me! Granny and I picked out an outfit that has a black skirt with white sparkles on it, a cute black top with pink roses on it, black tights, and a headband with white flowers on it. Church was weird! We got in the church and my whole family was there. Church had a bunch of boring songs we had to sing! None of them were upbeat and/or catchy! We had to read a green bible a lot. The priest guy would say a verse in the bible and we were supposed to say a verse back. Like one time he said "Hallelujah! Our Heavenly Father saved us!" And we'd have to say "Hallelujah he saved us hallelujah!" Then there was the confirming part. Baylee had to bend over onto one of her knees and all of her family, including me, had to come up and put a hand on her shoulder while the priest read something from the bible. At the end of church anyone who went to that church or was baptized could come up and sip wine and eat bread because apparently it's holy?! After that there was a celebration in the basement. There was REALLY good food there! There was Brownies, Fruit cake, banana bread, muffins, cookies, coconut chocolate brownies, pastries and so much more! Baylee got an award! I'm not sure why. Later we had brunch at the Lerry's house (our aunt, uncle and cousin's last name is Lerry.) We had waffles and we could add our own toppings! I also had orange juice to drink! Then me, Baylee, Mia, and our other cousins played outside for a while before heading home. Bye!

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