Skull Mask..

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The kingdom WASNT normal. There was white puddles everywhere and weird gloopy monsters infecting everyone. Even some of gingerbraves friends where now an laxex monster. But they found an cure and turned some of them back
Gingerbrave was going outside of the kingdom which cookies where scared to do but gingerbrave was an little... To brave, so gingerbrave entered the forest, making sure to watch out of latex puddles, he then found an weird mask that looked like it was for.. Wearing? Gingerbrave didn't Wanna bother but at the same time he and other cookies could test it to finger out more about these latex creatures, all they knew about them is that puddles are  made from somewhere else  and the evil cookies had nothing to do with it. It was an hot day though and gingerbrave was tired so  put the weird skull mask on his head. Which then slipped on his face worrying gingerbrave. But he realize that his hair wasnt melting anymore so he kept it on..

    ---- Not knowing he couldn't take it off---


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