02 ; plum blossoms

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"Your Highness, we must start preparing soon for the festival soon." The soft voice which penetrates through the silence of the empty bed chamber brings its owner back to reality.

As she slowly turns away from the scene beyond the window, her long black hair falls down her back like a curtain being let loose. Her round brown eyes lower down to her blue dress which covers every inch of her pale milky skin. Her features remain void of any emotion as she allows the servant to help her up from her sitting position. The servant quickly steps back, allowing for the woman to proceed into a different room to get changed into a more formal dress.

"Your Highness, this servant will change your clothes now," says the disciplined head servant with her head lowered respectfully.

The servants do not wait for a reply before they gently pry away at the multiple layers of clothing worn by the lady. The old clothes are then switched out for a stunning purple. Piece after piece, the lady is donned with the rarest, most expensive silk fabric only the royal family has access to.

"Your Highness, this servant will assist you with your hair and make-up."

Like the previous time, the lady remains silent, but she moves herself to the cushions where the hairpins and make-up are already all set up and ready to be used.

She closes her eyes, relaxing her face so that the servant can easily apply the make-up. Even though her facial features are relaxed, her posture remains tall and sturdy. From young, she's been taught that sitting straight is the proper way to sit. Nothing else is acceptable. Then again, not many things are acceptable in her life.

In her head, all she can see are the flower petals elegantly riding the freezing night wind as they gently fall to the ground.

"This servant is done, Your Highness."

When she opens her eyes again, she is greeted by a hazy reflection staring back at her in the bronze mirror.

"Thank you, I look better now," says the lady.

"This servant does not dare to accept, this servant only added on to your beauty. If Your Highness wasn't beautiful to begin with, this servant wouldn't be able to do much either." The head servant smiles, her stance still respectful.

The lady laughs lightly. "What a glib tongue!"

"Not at all Your Highness." The head servant lowers herself further.

"It's all thanks to you guys that I can even find a sliver of joy in this depressing place." The sadness is apparent in the lady's tone, but she quickly tucks it away with a feminine smile.

"Come on, it's time to go."

"Yes, Your Highness."

It's only seconds before the wooden doors are pushed open, ready for the owner's departure.

The lady clad in purple starts to walk. Her feet are covered by a pair of pretty pink shoes that have been decorated with carefully embroidered plum blossoms. With each step she takes, eight other servants follow behind her while keeping exactly three steps behind.

The sky is already dark and servants are rushing all over the palace, scurrying like mice to light the lanterns to brighten up the place. At the core of the palace where the flames within the lanterns burn brightly, scholars, ministers, generals, and the most noble families have all gathered to celebrate the royal flower festival.

"Consort Han has arrived!"

At the cue of the announcer, the lady strides in carefully, yet with an aura of confidence surrounding her figure. She walks up the stairs steadily, her destination not far from sight. Her feet lead her before the King.

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