Chapter 1 Return to Falls

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Dippers P.O.V

Its been six years since my sister Mabel and I first left Gravity Falls. In those six years I have changed a lot. I no longer wear that stupid vest, now its a black hoodie, I also now wear black jeans that tend to be ripped and a black beanie as well. The jacket serves a second function, it covers up my tattoos on my arm. The tattoo is on my right arm and its of Bills wheel. I have also started working out, gone are those noodle arms I once had, I now am pretty strong.

My physical state isn't the only thing that changed though. Shortly after we got back to California I started seeing Bill everywhere, when ever I went to bed I would dream of Bill, I would see graffiti art of Bill everywhere and one day I swear I saw Bill for real standing (or is it floating) at the edge of our neighborhood. I also started becoming depressed, but then again who wouldn't when your entire family starts bulling you for no apparent reason. When we got back home Mabel started to change, she started using me for help in school and then she would start yelling at me and calling me names. When I realized I was gay Mabel found out and told everyone, so now I get bullied for being gay. Mabels parent all but legally disowned me.

Mabel and I are now 19 and we both decided to come back to Gravity Falls, which is actually where we are heading now. We are sitting in the bus as it pulls up to its last stop, Gravity Falls.

"Last stop, Gravity Falls."

"Hey Dipshit we are here, grab my bags and lets go."

"Whatever Mabel," I say as I grab our bags well Mabel walks off the bus.

I hear a group of people start greeting Mabel when someone finally realizes Im not there. "Hey, where a Dipper? He cant possible be able to carry all those bags with his noodle arms," great its Grunkle Stan.

At that statement I walk off the bus with all of our stuff and, annoyed as hell, I put the luggage down before saying "What didn't expect me to actually change throughout six years?" I then pick up my stuff and but it in Stans car before loading in Mabel's crap. After that we all drive to the Mystery Shack, which is as disgusting as it was six years ago.

"All right kids, lets talk about the living arrangements," Stan says before Mabel interrupts.

"I don't want to sleep in the same room as Dipshit over there."

"Alright sweety, you can get a room to yourself, Dipper you are staying in the attic."

After I move Mabels stuff into her new room I hurry to move my stuff because I want to get some exploration in the woods before dinner. I manage to get all my stuff unpacked quickly so I rush into the forest and start exploring. I don't find anything at first but eventually discover Bills statue. He still has his arm out and looks like he's waiting for someone to grab is hand. "Oh Bill, if only you where still alive, then I could make a deal and get out of this hellhole that is my life."

"Grab my hand," a whisper of a voice says.

"Who said that!?"

"Grab my hand and say you desire."

Slowly I reach forward and grasp Bills hand, but as soon as my hand grabs his blue flames erupt from his hand. "Now say what you wish to make a deal on."

"I want revenge for everything everyone has ever done to me." Once those words escape my lips the flames grow higher and then vanish along side Bills statue and that's when I hear him.

"Why hello pinetree, it been a while."

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