Chapter 6 Weirdmagendon 2 part 2

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3rd Person (but with some look into characters mind)

Bill watches as Mason walks away before he stands up and starts walking out himself. He exits the throne room and then teleports to the woods.

"Ah such refreshing air, such a wonderful breeze." Bill says well breathing in heavily. Suddenly Bill hears a snap behind him and he turns towards it. He sees someone and he grows a mischievous grin. There stood Mabel. "Lets get down to business." (To defeat, the huns).

"Dammit, how on Earth did I get lost, Dipshit never got lost well exploring the woods." Mabel mumbles to herself.

"Well, Shooting Star, that would be because Pinetree isn't a complete moron like you are."

Mabel snaps her head over and her eyes go wide. "B-b-b-bill."

"That's my name don't it out." Bill says, still holding a wicked grin.

"W-what do you w-want demon."

"What do I want? Oh I'm so glad you asked. You see I have one of the famous Pines twins, all be it the smarter one, but..." Bill is unable to actually finish his sentence because Mabel cuts him off.

"You can keep Dipshit, in fact why dont you kill him." Mabel sneers out.

"Sigh, you know Shooting Star this wasnt going to be personal but now it it." Bill then lunges forward and grabs Mabel before teleporting back to the fearamid.

When they land they are in the same dungeon that Mason went to wait in. Bill looks around and spots Mason, the glamour still going strong, sitting in a corner. He gives Mason a quick wink before throwing Mabel onto the ground. "You see Shooting Star, now I have a matching set." Bill says, taunting Mabel, before he starts crackling. "Now what to do with you? What to do in deed."

Mabel is now coming to and she spots Bill and shouts out, "You wont get away with this Bill, my Gruncles are probably looking for me already."

"Sigh, Shooting Star when will you learn? Even if your Gruncles are looking for you, they wont find you until I want them to. Now, onto the fun part."

Warning I have no clue how to write torture so use you imagination

Three days, that's how long Bill played with Mabel. Three days since Mabel went missing. And most importantly, three days since Mason has been able to snuggle up against Bill well one of the demons talks about there day. But, today is the day. Bill has already gone out to fetch Pacifica and should be back any second now.

Just as Mason finishes his thought a flame emerges before them and Bill steps out with an unconscious Pacifica draped over his shoulder.

"Honey I'm home." Bill shouts well tossing Pacifica off his shoulder. "And I brought guests."

When Pacifica lands on the ground she wakes up and starts frantically looking around, spotting Mason in the corner.

"D-dipper? Is that you?"

Mason rolls his eyes at the use of his old name, "Yea."

"Jesus, everyone has been worried about you, you disappeared and Ford said you made a deal with Bill, who I thought was dead."

Mason internally groans at Pacificas rambling and cuts her off, "I did make a deal, but it was to protect you guys." and he realizes what Pacifica said, that everyone was worried,  'Yea right everyone's worried, there probably happy im gone' Mason thought.

"Oh that makes since. How are we going to get out if here?"

"You don't."

The two turn their heads and see Bill standing there holding a bloody Mabel. Mason smiles a little seeing Bill but immediately hides it from Pacifica.


"The same thing im going to do to you if you dont follow my instructions. And if you do then ill give you your precious Shooting Star back."

"What, you want me to do something for you, are you insane?"

"You're just now realizing that?"

"What do you want me to do?"

"Well you see Sixer has something I want and you are going to get it for me. In return I will give you back your Shooting Star. Deal."

"If I do this, you free both Mabel and Dipper."

"Ah ah ah no can do there, you see Pinetree made me a deal that I would not harm his friends and family but in return he becomes my play thing, my prisoner. But hey, you can still save Shooting Star. So what do ya say, do we have a deal?" Bill says well stretching out his hand, blue flames engulfing it.

"Fine, deal." Pacifica says grabbing and shacking Bills hand.

"Good, now for your task. As I said, Sixer has something I want. You know of his lab behind the vending machine yes?"

"Yea, mostly everybody does."

"Thats what I thought, good. Now you will sneak into the lab and grab this and bring it back." Bill says well making an image of the rift appear.

"Ok, but what is it?"

"No questions, just do your task and your end of the deal will be complete." Bill then turns to leave but stops at the door, "Oh and you only have three days to complete your task, good luck." Bill then snaps his fingers and Pacifica teleports back to the woods. "Now Pinetree, time for our play time." Bill says well smirking.

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