Chapter 3 Meet my Friends

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As the flames start to die down Dipper looks around and he finds himself in a massive room with black bricks and rainbow something coming from the cracks as well as two thrones in the middle of the room.

All around them are creatures that can only be described as the things from your nightmares. Dipper sees a creature with no head and a huge mouth filled with jangled and sharp teeth in his stomach, he sees a creature that is just teeth, he sees a giant foot, the worst one by far though was the clown in the corner holding a bunch of red and black balloons and looking straight at Dipper with a wicked smile on his face. 'Ok that's just unsettling' Dipper thought.

"I agree, Pennywise does have that sort of feeling, doesn't he? Oh well, Pinetree, meet my friends. We have teeth," and the creature made of teeth walks forward, "we have Pyronica," and a demon with pink hair and red eyes walks forward, (Ima be honest, I forgot all the demons names so I'm gonna make a few up 😋), "then there is gargantuan," a massive thing with cold dead eyes walks forward, "wait, did you get taller? Jesus, now your just making me feel short. Any who, next is my hunter Rider," a demon with a flaming skull and robes with a sword on his back walks forward, (yes I drew inspiration from Marvels Ghost Rider as well as Assassins Creed, get over it), "Rider here is the one who goes out and collects the payments that meatbags owe me after we make a deal, usually I remind them and give them a few days then Rider goes out to collect it and let me tell you, you do not want to have him come to collect, it can get messy."

The demon with pink hair, Pyronica, walked forward and stared directly at Dipper before saying, "Bill, who is this boy you have with you?"

"Ah yes, where are my manners, friends meet Pinetree, he will be staying here from now until the day he dies and will be your new queen."

Dippers eyes widen at that statment, "Q-q-queen? W-what do you mean?"

Bill looked at Dipper and leaned into his ear and whispered, "Not here, ill explain later when we are in a more, private place."

"O-oh ok."

Bill smiled before turning back to the other demons, "Now let it be known that if anything where to happen to my Pinetree and your new queen there will be some dire consequences, is that understood?"

All the demons at once shouted "Yes my lord!"

"Good, now continue with your partying, I need to have a little talk with my queen." Bill then grabbed Dipper by the hand and, once again, blue flames erupted from the floor and they then where in a bedroom. In the middle of the room was a huge, triangular bed with yellow and black covers, a dresser stood across from the bed with a desk next to that and a bookshelf next to the desk filled with books of all sorts. There where two doors next to the bed, Dipper moved to the first door and inside he saw a huge closet with half of it filled with black and yellow suits and the other half was empty. Inside the other door was a huge bathroom with a double sink, a huge shower and bathtub and a toilet next to the sinks.

After looking around Dipper returns the the main part of the room where Bill was waiting, "This room is amazing, that bathroom is huge and the closet, why is half of it empty though?"

"Its waiting."

"Waiting, for what?"

"For the rightful queen to be found, once I find them and the accept the "deal" persay, the closet fills with what ever type of clothing they find appealing."

"So how do you know you found the right queen? Because there is no way I am suppose to be your queen, im useless and weak."

Bill then looks at Dipper with a serious face and a stern look before walking over to him and putting his finger on his chin, lifting his head up, "You are not useless or weak, those people who are suppose to be you family are the worthless ones. No, you, Dipper, are powerful, more powerful then Ford could ever realize and dont you ever, not even for a second, think otherwise. Got it."

"Yes Bill."

"Good. Now I promised I would explain what I meant down stairs and I will. For centuries I have been looking for my rightful queen to rule by my side, you see, once the demon crown touches your head, it will determine whether or not you are worthy and if you are not, the crown drains them of all the power before it starts draining them of their life. Now I know that sounds awful but the way this works is the crown views them as leeches and disposes of them as if they where a leech."

"So then why do you think I am your queen? Because there is no way I am worthy of that title or power."

"I told you not to talk like that about yourself. And to answer your question, I knew you where the one when I meat you six years ago. You didnt see me but when you first entered Gravity Falls I felt a power shift, and it was a huge shift. At first I thought it was Mabel but as the summer continued I realized that she was nothing compared to you, she couldn't even realize that her first boyfriend was a bunch of gnomes, but you realized something was wrong. And then the puppet show happened and I saw the way she treated you, pushing you around, not letting you do the things you wanted. So I came to you and offered the deal. At first it was just to mess with you, but when I entered your mind, I felt all of your power and I decided that instead of possessing you and then killing you, I would make a connection to your mind so I could keep a watch on you, and let me tell you I loved watching you. It was entertaining, especially when you summoned an entire horde of zombies and then dealt with them yourself, impressive stuff."

"So when did you realize it was me?"

"When I was holding you and Mabel and was about to kill her, if it was you I was about to kill, she wouldnt have done the same thing you did but no, instead it was her who was in danger and you who risked your life by going to make a deal with me. No one would have done that, especially a twelve year old who knew barely anything about the situation going on, that was when I realized you where meant to rule with me, you where willing to sacrifice your life and freedom for someone who didnt even care about you. That's what makes a great ruler. You may think I am a monster for the actions I have done but you must realize, I did what I had to do for my people, I would have died for them and I know you would to. Get some sleep, its been a long day and its going to be even longer tomorrow." Bill turns to leave but stops at the door before turning his head to Dipper, "Think on what I have said well you sleep, think on your past memories and you will realize that I am right, you know deep down where you are meant to be. Sleep well Pinetree."

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