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This is my collection of short stories. They are all of the sci-fi, fantasy and quirky kind. Take a quick spin in alien worlds and follow the adventures of fun characters!

1. The Goddess of Door Hinges

975 words
Fantasy, YA, romance, mythology
Winner of Legends in Love contest by mythandlegend, WattpadShortStory and YARomance. Featured on the Timeless Tales of Gods, Heroes, All The Myths anthology on mythandlegend.

2. The Kraken of Europa

1,850 words
Sci-fi, piratepunk, oceanpunk, space
Winner of TheAmbys 2022 under the Short Story category. Written for Song of the Punk on WattpadPunkFiction and featured on the special 100th issue of the Tevun Krus ezine by Ooorah.

3. The Day I Stopped the Apocalypse

100 words
Sci-fi, YA, dinosaurs, drabble
Winner of the On Surviving Extinction contest by BecauseDinosaurs

4. The Music of the Cosmos

662 words
Sci-fi, YA, space, quantumpunk
Featured on the Quantumpunk issue of the Tevun Krus ezine by Ooorah

5. Kanda and the Worm

988 words
Sci-fi, fantasy, space
Winner of the Just Different contest on BeyondSol and featured on their Spatium Austero anthology.


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1st | Short Story | Gems Book Awards
1st | Short Story | Auctor Awards 2022
1st | Short Story | TCR Awards Third Edition
2nd | One Shot | Teen Fix Mini Awards

Best Cover (One Shots) | Strawberry Shortcake Awards

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