Part 18.

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Part 18.

Nathan's POV.
I didn't like how every time I turned a corner I felt like I was being followed. I shouldn't have been listening to music and had my senses so low on alert and relaxed. Just because we're on holiday, doesn't mean nothing can happen. Doesn't mean nothing will happen.
Slipping back the way I came from,
I made my back on to the main street and blended myself into the breakfast morning, eight o' clock crowd, weaving my way through the until I found myself inside a hipster style cafe. Gabriel would love it here, it's definitely his scene.
Thinking of the guys, I checked my phone to find three messages, and winced how long I'd been out with no contact.
Kota: Everything okay?
Kota: Where are you?
Kota: Nathan. Where?
I opted for sending a message instead of calling; it's faster.
Me: I'm good. Getting coffee. Be back soon.
In case whoever is stalking is high tech, I'll keep it casual, just in case.
Ordering a coffee from the ponytailed guy behind the counter, I stepped back and waited in silence.
They called my name and I made my way out, this time much more cautiously and conscience of the people around me. Checking over my shoulder, the only people I noticed was two women with prams, a boy in a hoodie and an elderly couple. Other people were sitting at tables, chatting with their companions.
I pulled the hoodie over to hide my hair and walked at a leisurely pace, not trying to look like I was running away from someone watching me.
Two minutes into taking the usual route, I made another casual look behind my back, and almost froze in my tracks.
There was a movement of a body quickly moving a building, the exact same moment I turned around.
Chills ran up my spine. Goosebumps rose. The hairs on my arms stood on end.
This time, no stopping, run straight there.
Noting the empty foam coffee cup in my hand, I chucked it in the nearest bin and sprinted, feeling the hoodie whip back and against my neck.
What freaked me out the most was the sound and thumps of footsteps speeding up behind me.
I didn't bother to look back, but confused whoever was following me up turning the next corner before them, jumping in the small alleyway and, making the least amount of noise, climbed up metal stairs along the side of the graffitied, brick building confining the space around me, using the higher leverage to twist my body up onto the roof.
Lying down and crawling my way forward, I merely peeked my head over to see if they had continued following.
I barely caught a glimpse of a sneaker returning the other way.
Finally safe, I rolled onto my back, holding my hand to my heavily breathing chest, slowing down my erratic heart.

Sang's POV.
Because Kota's worried, I'm worried, and because I'm worried, the boys won't stop fussing about and trying to distract me, even though they are worried as well.
Nathan's been out for two and a half hours now; which is too long for an early morning run. North won't stop frowning. Victor hasn't spoken much. Kota's pacing around everywhere; ever since Nathan responded saying he was fine, he got even more agitated. Mr. Blackbourne is sitting calmly, reading the newspaper. Dr. Green is stretching Luke's leg and testing pain levels, and Gabriel and Silas are watching the morning cartoons. I'm just sitting in Silas's lap, my back facing Gabriel as his fingers braid through my hair, focused intensely.
Silas's arm around my waist gently squeezed, "Aggele mou,"
"Stop frowning."
I turned my head to look at him, only to be turned back my Gabriel, "I'm not frowning."
"Yes you are. Smile."
I relaxed my eyebrows and gave him a closed mouth smile.
He blew a raspberry at me, "That's a terrible smile," he pushed a stray, thick, black curl and hugged, "Like this." He grinned so wide that little dimples appeared and his teeth sparkled pearly white, his eyes shining happily.
I couldn't help myself; I felt my lips then curve upwards just seeing his happy face.
He looked extremely smug and proud of himself, "Much better."
At that moment, the front door burst open, and shut just as quickly. Nathan leaned against the door, knocking his head against the wooden frame, his long neck stretched out and slightly gleamed in sweat as he swallowed.
I went to jump to him but Silas help me down and Gabriel tugged me closer, still braiding my hair.
Everyone turned towards him, the relief clear on all our faces.
Kota came towards him, holding his arms out, "What happened? What took you so long? Talk. Now." The command in his voice was sharper than ever before, and his eyes were flashing bright green.
Nathan held a hand up, narrowing his eyes as he looked over at me, and where everyone was. Mr. Blackbourne made his way into the general living area as well, so we could all hear.
I felt Gabriel's fingers brush against my neck as he finished the braid, letting it fall against my back smoothly, even though it wasn't that long. That's what he was muttering to himself anyway.
Nathan put his hands on his hips and stared back at Kota, "Hold on, let me catch my breath."
"Let him sit down." Mr. Blackbourne interrupted Kota. I have a feeling he was trying to make both of them calm down.
Kota grabbed two chairs from the dining area placed them down near the couch where I was, sitting in one, Nathan taking the other.
Dr. Green squinted over at Nathan, Luke's leg elongated in his hands, "So you had a nice run?"
"I wish I could run." Luke commented, pulling his hair back into a low bun.
Nathan rolled his eyes at the innocence in Dr. Green's question, "Someone was following me."
Kota's eye widened for a moment before frowning again, "You were being stalked?"
Nathan shrugged but his voice rose in volume, "I don't know if I was getting stalked, or followed, or, or watched, but someone was definitely following me."
Without realising, I leaned closer into Silas's broad chest, feeling the need for comfort. Nathan was being followed?
Mr. Blackbourne, standing in front of him, quirked an eyebrow, "Tell us what happened."
So Nathan told us. Everything. In every detail. About having to sneak in the coffee shop. Hearing footsteps. Then the alleyway. Then the roof. Spotting the hint of someone walking away. I could feel my heart beat harder out of the worry.
When he finished, there was a moment of silence, until it was then Victor who spoke,
"So it wasn't a cat, then?"
Everyone stared at him with perplexed faces,
"A cat?" Dr. Green repeated.
Victor turned to Nathan, "When we got here yesterday I heard a rustling in the bushes," he looked at me with a smirk, "I told myself it was a cat. But maybe not," he pushed his hands into his pant pockets, "Someone might be following you, Nathan, but also, someone could be following all of us."
Gabriel groaned at plonked his head against my back, breathing heavily, "We don't have time for any of this shit, we're on a fucking holiday."
North grunted in what seemed to be agreement.
Kota turned Mr. Blackbourne, sharing a look with him, "So what do we do?"
Mr. Blackbourne was pensive, but decisive, "We need to just stay on holiday. But we'll be aware. When we all go out today, we'll take shifts on watch," he glanced around at everyone, "For now, stay normal."
He walked away, trailed by Kota, while everyone else continued to resume what they were doing before.
Luke started to giggle.
Gabriel turned to look at him, smacking his shoulder, "What's so funny?"
Luke pinched in between his eye lids at a slight pain in his side, "He wants us to be normal. Yesterday we were talking about what animal we would be and now he wants us to be normal," he giggles again, "I don't even know what normal means anymore."
Gabriel snickered, "Well it isn't you."
Dr. Green raised an eyebrow at Luke, "What animal would I be?" As they discussed, I scrambled out of Silas's lap as Nathan stood. Almost falling forward on the couch, I crawled on my knees and grabbed the sleeve of his jumper, tugging him.
Immediately, Nathan's arms wrapped around me in a warm, Cypress, leather and slightly sweaty, hug, "What's the matter, Peanut?"
"Are you okay?"
"I'm fine," he took in a deep breath, inhaling the skin of my neck, "yeah, I'm definitely fine."
In a flash, he scooped my legs up in his arms. I yelped, not expecting it, and linked my arms around his neck, walking towards his room.
"Hey! Don't steal her from us." Luke called,
"Too late." Nathan replied over his shoulder, but he put me back down with a quick kiss on my lips,
"I'm gonna go have a shower," He said, grabbing clothes from his room, "I'm all sweaty."
With the bathroom door closed behind him, I turned around to almost slam into North.
My eyes widened at him with his crossed arms and frown, "What is it?" Did Nathan kissing me upset him?
He shook his head in genuine perplexity and turned me around so my back was facing him.
He started touching my hair, then placed his hand on my shoulders and pushed me back into the living room,
"Gabe, what did you do to her hair?" he asked, holding up the braid.
Gabriel looked over and threw him an 'are you serious' face, his blue eyes flashing with amusement and bewilderment, "It's called a fucking 'braid', you numbskull, do you know anything about hair?"
"I know that it's weird."
"Weird is good."

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